Ramstein’s Joshua Conway celebrates after defeating Stuttgart’s Aidan Morgan in the 126-pound final at the DODEA-Europe wrestling championships, in Wiesbaden, Germany, Feb. 11, 2023.

Ramstein’s Joshua Conway celebrates after defeating Stuttgart’s Aidan Morgan in the 126-pound final at the DODEA-Europe wrestling championships, in Wiesbaden, Germany, Feb. 11, 2023. (Michael Abrams/Stars and Stripes)

High school


DODEA European Wrestling Championships

Saturday at Wiesbaden


106 Jaydon Szymczak (AFNORTH) pin. C’nia Ford (Vicenza), 1:28; Cole Santos (Ramstein) pin. Deshaun Bowie (Naples), 1:02; Karmyn Lopez (Stuttgart) pin. Quennette Rae Kirkconnell (Rota), 5:17; Andrew Molina (Spangdahlem) pin. Julian Parker (Nap), 4:26; September Snyder (Ram) pin Micah Rothas (Lakenheath), 1:35; Jaden Calixto (Kaiserslautern) pin Nicolene Anduaga-Arias (SHAPE), 2:29

113 – Jesus Olivares (Ram) pin Kingston Mosley (SHAPE), 1:27; Garrett Kelsay (Vic) pin Robert York (Rote), 0:32; Caleb Truscott (Spang) pin Conrad Adams (Brussels), 4:48; Ethan Gamez (Rota) dec. Logan Conrad (Lake), 10-4; Brayden Aperauch (Stut) pin. Caden Cook (AFN), 0:39; Christopher Wissemann (Vilseck) pin Liberty Snyder (Ram), 1:07

120 Ivan Villescas (Nap) forfeit Daniel Lee (Kais); Liam Horne (Ram) pin. Elam Dunton (Wiesbaden), 3:18; Jude Cruz (Vil) pin Rickalia Goss (Sigonella), 3:03; Munro Davis (Wies) pin Payton Kolesnikov (Stut), 4:18; Richele Reyes (AFN) pin Ivy Anderson (Vic), 1:26; Uno Tate (Kais) forefeit Paige Rogers (Aviano)

126 – Liam Hicks (Nap) pin Jacob Stuhler (Alconbury), 4:38; Joshua Conway (Ram) pin Jonah Rothas (Lake), 1:59; Ethan Bell (Kais) pin. Jackson Coleman (Stut), 1:34; Aidan Morgan (Stut) pin Anthony Romero (Rota), 1:06; Landon Escobar (Wies) pin. Sacha Rosenbaum (Nap), 0:18; Braxden Gransbery (Kais) dec. Deklan Duboise (Ram), 8-5

132 Linx Lawless (Wies) maj. dec. Nicholas Ellinger (Stut), 8-0; Ezra De Leon Kona (Brus) dec. Azael Lopez (Nap), 9-3; Camren Carlson (Ram) pin. Erik Gastelum (Vic), 5:47; Lucas Suszko (Nap) pin. Filip Starc (SHAPE), 3:36; Jayden Andrews (Ram) pin. James Troxel (ROTA), 0:43; Noah Crowell (Kais) pin Evan Koepplinger, 0:54

138 – Jayden Freeman (Vil) tech. Cristiano Peterson (Avi), 15-0; Kayson Boos (SHAPE) pin. Wyatt Massey (Wies), 3:52; Nicholas Horne (Ram) pin. Collin Murphy (Nap), 1:47; Antonio Gutierrez (Wies) dec. Julian Licata (Stut), 13-11; Paul Sturtevant (Vic) forfeit Audrey Pounds (Nap); Deacon Smith (AFN) dec. Jaxon Lundell (Ram), 6-5

144 – Jacob Lane (Wies) tec. Dane Westberry (Stut), 16-1; Isaac Martinez (Ram) pin. Aaron Smith (Avi), 5:28; Joshua Barthold (Avi) pin. Brady Price (Brus), 2:17; Zachary Call (Stut) pin Emerson Gray (Rota), 1:46; Tai-Hui Rutland (Lake) default Alexander Brookhart (Wies); Kaden Peterson (Vic) dec. Cameron Rivers (Ram), 8-6; Lane (Wies) pin. Martinez (Ram), 4:24; Westberry (Stut) pin. Smith (Avi), 2:30; Barthold (Avi) pin. Traylor (SHAPE), 1:15

150 Sam Pounds (Nap) dec. Josiah Doughty (Stut), 8-6; Pierre-Jovan Fuentes (VIl) dec. Mykal Williams (SHAPE), 15-8; John Berry (Sig) pin. Mateo Moore (Alcon), 5:15; Patrick Iverson (Wies) pin. Jevan Smith (Avi), 5:06; Hayden Basham (Ram) maj. dec. Derick Cavalliery-Cardona (Nap), 20-1; Noel Houser (Kais) forfeit Sophia Yorko (Lake)

157 – Lucas Hollenbeck (Ram) pin. Kyson Fromm (Nap), 3:56; Asher Dunton (WIes) pin. Levi Katzenberger (Stut), 3:07; Markuss (AFN) forfeit Dylan Graney (Avi); Lucius Bowman (Lake) dec. Javan Sherrod (Avi), 9-2; Nathan Rutlege (Ram) pin. Breydon Hoffstatter (Nap), 3:15; Alex Samler (Stut) forfeit Ethan Barden (SHAPE)

165 – Gavin Idleman (Lake) pin. James Eves (Stut), 3:08; Jens Bishop (Wies) pin. Triston Roebuck (Nap), 3:17; Rayden Bodine pin. Alexander Bencivenga (Ram), 0:22; Luigi Patalano (SHAPE) pin. Daniel Guido (Rota), 3:17; Hunter Neal (VIl) pin. Turner Baggett (Nap), 1:21; Ethan Wilson (Ram) maj. dec. Trenton Cook (Stut), 12-1

175 William Pierce (Brus) pin. Matteo Toliver (Nap), 3:02; Joel Workman (Hohenfels) tec. Austin Johnson (Lake), 4:11; Gabriel King (Stut) pin Benjamin Gallei (AFN), 3:16; Garrett Hyten (Vil) pin. Isaac Aaro (Sig), 0:17; Thomas McCabe-Hefner (SHAPE) pin. Matthew Rutlege (Ram), 2:56; Ryder Souder (Kais) pin Cassidy Santiago (Nap), 0:26

190 Jack Gruver (Stut) dec. Witt Henning (Lake), 20-13; Sawyer Ter Horst (Brus) pin Cruz Cottingham (Avi), 5:34; Darius Schill (Kais) pin. Michael Elrod (Nap), 1:11; William Bush (SHAPE) pin. Treyvon Hoffstatter (Nap), 1:38; Colton Lucas (Ram) pin. Adam Fortney (Avi), 0:37; Freeman Allen (Kais) forfeit Joel Patterson (Lake)

215 Evan Brooks (Ram) forfeit Daniel Bagoudou (Vic); Tyler Mellon (Avi) forfeit Giacomo Genovese (SHAPE); Conner Hutchinson (Stut) pin. Leif Myer (Hohnenfels), 1:23; Panagiotis Kostoulas (SHAPE) pin. Arthur Shore (Vic), 5:48; Hayden Kniss (Stut) pin. Cameron Ritter (Ram), 0:22; Alan Pope (Vil) tech. Ilyssa Hagood, 19-2

285 Declan Newsome (Nap) pin. Alexander Belote (Ram), 4:40; John Ruland (Wies) pin. Adrian Vega-Traverso (Ram), 1:31; Donovan Lenhard (Rota) forfeit Laila Barnes (Avi)


106 Santos (Ram) pin. Calixto (Kais), 0:29; Snyder (Ram) pin. Lopez (Stut), 0:32

113 – Jesus Olivares (Ram) dec. Wissemann (Vil), 9-2; Aperauch (Stut) pin. Kelsay (Vic), 1:31

120 Cruz (Vil) dec. Kolesnikov (Stut), 8-7; Davis (Wies) pin Horne (Ram), 1:39

126 Conway (Ram) pin. Gransbery (Kais), 5:51; Morgan (Stut) pin. Bell (Kais), 4:43

132 Lawless (Wies) pin. Suszko (Nap), 3:31; Ellinger (Stut) dec. Andrews (Ram), 5-0

138 – Gutierrez (Wies) maj. dec. Freeman (Vil), 18-6; Smith (AFN) dec. Boos (SHAPE), 6-4

144 – Lane (Wies) tec. Peterson (Vic), 17-2; Call (Stut) pin. Martinez (Ram), 1:43

150 Pounds (Nap) pin. Basham (Ram), 5:05; Doughty (Stut) dec. Iverson (Wies), 4-3

157 Rutlege (Ram) maj. dec. Hollenbeck (Ram), 16-5; Bowman (Lake) pin. Dunton (Wies), 5:43

165 Idleman (Lake) tech. Neal (Vil), 20-4; Patalano dec. Eves (Stut), 4-2

175 Workman (Hoh) pin. Souder (Kais), 3:30; Pierce (Brus) pin. Hyten (Vil), 0:48

190 Lucas (Ram) DQ Gruver (Stut); Henning (Lake) maj. dec. Bushe (SHAPE), 11-3

215 Brooks (Ram) pin. Kostoulas (SHAPE), 0:37; Bagodou (Vic) pin. Kniss (Stut), 1:12

285 – Newsome (Nap) pin. Lenhard (Rota), 5:09; Ruland (Wies) pin. Belote (Ram), 0:24


(Scoring not available)

106 – Szymczak def. Molina.

113 – Mosley def. Gamez.

120 – Dunton def. Reyes.

126 – Escobar def. Hicks.

132 – De Leon Kona def. Starc.

138 – Licata def. Peterson.

144 – Barthold def. Rivers.

150 – Smith def. Fuentes.

157 – Fromm def. Sherrod.

165 – Bishop def. Wilison.

175 – Toliver def. McCabe-Hefner.

190 – Allen def. Ter Horst.

215 – Vega-Traverso def. Hooper.


(Scoring not available)

106 – Calixto def. Lopez.

113 – Kelsay def. Wissemann.

120 – Horne def. Kolesnikov.

126 – Bell def. Gransbery.

132 – Andrews def. Suszko.

138 – Freeman def. Boos.

144 – Martinez def. Peterson.

150 – Iverson def. Basham.

157 – Dunton def. Hollenbeck.

165 – Neal def. Eves.

175 – Hyten def. Souder.

190 – Gruver def. Bush.

215 – Kniss def. Kostoulas.

285 – Lenhard def. Belote.

Stuttgart’s Zachary Call celebrates his 144-pound title after defeating Wiesbaden’s Jacob Lane at the DODEA-Europe wrestling championships, in Wiesbaden, Germany, Feb. 11, 2023.

Stuttgart’s Zachary Call celebrates his 144-pound title after defeating Wiesbaden’s Jacob Lane at the DODEA-Europe wrestling championships, in Wiesbaden, Germany, Feb. 11, 2023. (Michael Abrams/Stars and Stripes)


106 – Santos dec. Snyder, 16-10.

113 – Olivares pin. Aperauch, 3:25.

120 – Conway dec. Moran, 3-2.

126 – Davis maj.dec. Cruz, 9-0.

132 – Lawless dec. Ellinger, 7-2.

138 – Gutierrez pin. Smith, 2:44.

144 – Call pin. Lane, 2:23.

150 – Pounds dec. Doughty, 5-3.

157 – Bowman maj.dec. Rutlege, 14-6.

165 – Idleman dec. Patalano, 6-4.

175 – Pierce pin. Workman, 1:15.

190 – Hennig pin. Lucas, 1:27.

215 – Bagoudou pin. Brooks, 1:27.

285 – Ruland dec. Newsome, 6-4.


Division I

Ramstein 301, Stuttgart 261.5, Wiesbaden 224, SHAPE 130.5, Vilseck 120, Lakenheath 116.5, Kaiserslautern 88.5

Division II

Naples 129.5, Vicenza 82, Aviano 47.5, Rota 42

Division III

AFNORTH 62.5, Brussels 60, Hohenfels 33, Spangdahlem 18, Sigonella 6.5, Alconbury 3.5

Daniel Bagoudou says a little prayer after defeating Ramstein’s Evan Brooks in the 215-pound final at the DODEA-Europe wrestling championships, in Wiesbaden, Germany, Feb. 11, 2023.

Daniel Bagoudou says a little prayer after defeating Ramstein’s Evan Brooks in the 215-pound final at the DODEA-Europe wrestling championships, in Wiesbaden, Germany, Feb. 11, 2023. (Michael Abrams/Stars and Stripes)



Lakenheath 61, Alconbury 34

Friday at Lakenheath

Alconbury 10 7 8 9 _34
Lakenheath 17 16 14 14 _61

Scorers – Alconbury: Alfonso Sanchez 9, Leo Politis 6, Nolan Quinn 5; Lakenheath: Tre Maroney 16, Max Mittenzwey 16, Karlos Brown 9.

Ramstein 65, Kaiserslautern 29

Friday at Kaiserslautern

Ramstein 13 13 28 11 _65
Kaiserslautern 5 17 5 2 _29

Scorers – Ramstein: Bryson Bishop 22, Jaden Guerra 19, Israel Rouse 13, Samuel Udoaka 6, Jayvian Jennings 3, Timar Dix 2; Kaiserslautern: Akori Ford 14, Jayden Dayao 13, Logan Konowalski 2.

Ramstein 64, Kaiserslautern 18

Saturday at Ramstein

Scorers – Kaiserslautern: Logan Konowalski 7, Xavier Wilson 4, Dom Polidor 3, Sevastian Quiles 3, Logan Bell 1; Ramstein: Braden Laidlaw 13, Jaden Guerra 9, Michael Gonzales 8, Angel Jones 7, Cayden Bishop 7, Ky'Ron Hall 6, Timar Dix 6, Israel Rouse 4, Jayvian Jennings 2, Rueben Todman 2.

Ansbach 46, Hohenfels 34

Friday at Ansbach

Hohenfels 11 6 8 9 _34
Ansbach 7 16 12 11 _46

Scorers – Hohenfels: Tavon Washington 10, Jacob Iwodu 9; Ansbach: Benjamin Schuck 17, Yannic Miranda 11.

Ansbach 64, Hohenfels 52

Saturday at Hohenfels

Ansbach 16 19 14 15 _64
Hohenfels 8 4 19 21 _52

Scorers – Ansbach: Schuck 30, Isaac Willis 10; Hohenfels: Scott Johnson 20, Washington 14.

Stuttgart 58, Vilseck 45

Friday at Stuttgart

Vilseck 7 7 17 14 _45
Stuttgart 14 16 15 13 _58

Scorers – Vilseck: Kendall Terrell 10, Brandon Goins 10, DeVaughn Terrell 9; Stuttgart: Ismael Anglada-Paz 19, Tyler Jackson 12, Trenton Jackson 11.

Stuttgart 62, Vilseck 30

Saturday at Stuttgart

Vilseck 4 10 9 7 _30
Stuttgart 13 16 17 16 _62

Scorers – Vilseck: Ibrahima Balde 11, Braxton Bixler 7, Markell Grimes 6; Stuttgart: Nijah Marshall 14, Deshawn Lewis 13, Zion Flash 8, Ryan Stevenson 7.

Aviano 56, Vicenza 29

Friday at Vicenza

Scorers – Aviano: Gabe Fabbro 22, Aidan Haas 10; Vicenza: Jayce Herron 8, Jayden Steimle 6.

Aviano 53, Vicenza 36

Saturday at Aviano

Vicenza 2 8 18 8 _36
Aviano 9 13 15 18 _55

Scorers – Vicenza: Deacon Smith 11, Joe Kelly 8, Simon Gilbert 6; Aviano: Haas 17, Fabbro 14, Alando Brown 7. Noteworthy – Fabbro had 8 rebounds and Haas and Paul Ablang 5 each for the Saints.

AFNORTH 52, Brussels 50

Friday at AFNORTH

Brussels 1 20 9 20 _50
AFNORTH 7 14 21 10 _52

Scorers – Brussels: Jabriel Wells 16, Mason Kleckner 11, Cade Wedekind 10, Damion Rogers 10; AFNORTH: Connor Luminarias 14, Ronnie Macauley 10, Emile Masse 8. Noteworthy – Nathan Goldsmith and Fred Mitchell each had 11 rebounds, Anthony Roman had 6 steals for the Lions.

Wiesbaden 48, Black Forest Academy 30

Friday at Wiesbaden

BFA 5 7 5 13 _30
Wiesbaden 8 14 11 15 _48

Scorers – BFA: Barney Sivonen 9, Joey Ebenroth 8, Asher Windler 6; Wiesbaden: Gavin DeLuca 12, Malfoy Anitok 9, Collin Koschnik 6, Collin Moore 6, Nigel Rodriguez 5, Amare Brazton 4, Jonah Harvey 4, Yadier Viera 2. Noteworthy – Koshnick had 12 rebounds and 4 blocks for the Warriors. Sivonen had 9 rebounds, Ebenroth had 7 boards and J.J. Tice had 5 rebounds for the Falcons.

Wiesbaden 35, BFA 33

Saturday at Wiesbaden

BFA 13 11 0 9 _33
Wiesbaden 11 9 10 5 _35

Scorers – BFA: Ebenroth 10, Kody Mishler 10, Barney Sivonen 6; Wiesbaden: Koschnik 11, Anitok 7, Viera 5. Noteworthy – Tice had 11 rebounds and Sivonen 8 for the Falcons, while Koshnik had 8 for the Warriors.

SHAPE 58, Brussels 27

Saturday at Brussels

Brussels 5 7 10 5 _27
SHAPE 11 11 14 22 _58

Scorers – Brussels: Jabriel Wells 10, Isaiah Rivera 6, Damion Rogers 6; SHAPE: Bela Clobes 17, Luke Ewers 11, Sam Tryon 6, Euklid Cani 6. Noteworthy – Clobes had 6 rebounds for the Spartans.

Baumholder 50, Spangdahlem 28

Friday at Baumholder

Scorers – Spangdahlem: Robert Leggett 11, Makario Drummond 9; Baumholder: Caleb Pigge 26, Damian Jung 12, Gregory Makubaya 12.

Spangdahlem 39, Baumholder 30

Saturday at Spangdahlem

Baumholder 13 4 3 10 _30
Spangdahlem 9 9 6 15 _39

Scorers – Baumholder: Pigge 10, Leo Kirkland 6, Jung 6, Jay Kimuli 4; Spangdahlem: Leggett 13, Javian Rivera 8, Drummond 6.

American Overseas School of Rome 41, Marymount 0

Friday at Rome

Marymount 0 0 _0
AOSR 29 12 _41

Scorers – AOSR: Parker Huber 15, Anthony DiMatteo 10, Riley Smith 8.

AOSR 32, Marymount 27

Saturday at Rome

Marymount 11 2 7 7 _27
AOSR 19 4 5 4 _32

Scorers – Marymount: Patrick Gianni 11, Fikret Goksol 5, Mark Wambura 5; AOSR: Huber 10, Edward Ferratti 6, Gabriele Ghone 4.


Ansbach 23, Hohenfels 22

Friday at Ansbach

Scorers – Hohenfels: Malea Jobity 7, Alana Teo 5; Ansbach: Kennedy Lange 8, Grace Robinson 7. Noteworthy – Lange had 11 rebounds, and Robinson had 5 steals for the Cougars. Jobity had 6 rebounds and Teo had 5 boards for the Tigers.

Ansbach 38, Hohenfels 37

Saturday at Hohenfels

Ansbach 7 8 7 16 _38
Hohenfels 9 15 0 13 _37

Scorers – Ansbach: Robinson 19, Lange 8, Kaylah Tuazon 6; Hohenfels: Jalissa Jobity 20, Teo 6, M.Jobity 5.

Ramstein 38, Kaiserslautern 23

Friday at Kaiserslautern

Scorers – Ramstein: Katya von Eicken 12, Solymar Brown 9; Kaiserslautern: Se’maiya Farrow 8, Lena Herrmann 5. Noteworthy – Rihanna Martin had 11 rebounds, and Herrmann had 9 for the Raiders.

Wiesbaden 53, BFA 35

Friday at Wiesbaden

BFA 4 7 13 11 _35
Wiesbaden 19 12 11 11 _53

Scorers – BFA: Maddie Wilford 10, Olivia Kruse 7; Wiesbaden: Brandi Stanford 18, Gwen Icanberry 8, Lyndsey Urick 8. Noteworthy – Icanberry had 5 assists for the Warriors. Abiele Keumagne had 12 rebounds, and Kruse had 7 boards for the Falcons.

Wiesbaden 52, BFA 45

Saturday at Wiesbaden

BFA 10 10 15 10 _45
Wiesbaden 12 14 7 19 _52

Scorers - BFA: Olivia Kruse 25, Caelyn Wilbanks 12; Wiesbaden: Brandi Stanford 17, McKinley Viers 13, Gwen Icanberry 11. Noteworthy - Kruse had 10 rebounds and Abiele Kenmogne 6 for the Falcons; Icanberry had 8 rebounds and Stanford 6 assists for the Warriors.

AFNORTH 25, Brussels 11

Friday at AFNORTH

Scorers – Brussels: Adelaide Duffy-Olivero 4, Tesse Wedekind 3; AFNORTH: Paula Bohlen 14, Selah Skariah 10.

Spangdahlem 21, Baumholder 11

Friday at Baumholder

Spangdahlem 4 6 5 6 _21
Baumholder 3 3 3 2 _11

Scorers – Spangdahlem: Gabby Schmidt 7, Caleya Morton 6, Izzy Bodily 4, Talyssa Link 2, Miranda Valles 2; Baumholder: Adrianna Lopez 4, Alondra Aquillen 2, Janiyah Spruill 2, Ashanti Santiago 2, Gabrielle Williams 1.

Spangdahlem 30, Baumholder 20

Saturday at Spangdahlem

Baumholder 2 3 13 2 _20
Spangdahlem 3 8 13 6 _30

Scorers – Baumholder: Lopez 13, Spruill 4, Williams 3; Spangdahlem: Bodily 11, Schmidt 10, Lizzy Koenig 7, Morton 2.

Lakenheath 31, Alconbury 18

Friday at Lakenheath

Alconbury 3 1 5 9 _18
Lakenheath 9 6 7 9 _31

Scorers – Alconbury: Eleni Politis 6, Sally Messimer; Lakenheath: A’Lydia McNeal 12, Britain Gonzales 6.

Lakenheath 45, Alconbury 36

Saturday at Alconbury

Lakenheath 12 6 12 15 _45
Alconbury 10 7 5 14 _36

Scorers – Lakenheath: Eden Wheeler 16, McNeil 14, Alanah Melvin 9; Alconbury: Aleesa Fromm 8, Messimer 7, Politis 6. Noteworthy – Fromm 5, and Saniya Townes had 5 steals for the Dragons.

SHAPE 49, Brussels 10

Saturday at Brussels

SHAPE 26 8 15 _49
Brussels 0 4 6 _10

Scorers – Brussels: Tessa Wedekind 4; SHAPE: Jessica Moon 13, Macy Gilbert 11, Addie Atkins 6, Bella Smith 6, Kayla McKinney 6. Noteworthy – Haley Mitchell had 7 rebounds and 4 blocks for the Brigands, while Wedekind had 4 steals.

Stuttgart 43, Vilseck 4

Friday at Stuttgart

Vilseck 2 0 2 _4
Stuttgart 21 16 6 _43

Scorers – Vilseck: Jayslin Santalano 2, Scottlyn Smithson 2; Stuttgart: Icsiss Perez 12, Jennings 6.

Stuttgart 52, Vilseck 12

Saturday at Stuttgart

Vilseck 6 0 4 2 _12
Stuttgart 14 11 10 17 _52

Scorers – Vilseck: Kaila Haynes 4, Smithson 4; Stuttgart: Hannah Holmes 11, Bella Henderson 7, Heaton 6.

Vicenza 47, Aviano 14

Friday at Vicenza

Aviano 2 0 2 10 _14
Vicenza 15 16 5 11 _47

Scorers – Aviano: Grace O’Connor 8, Alayna Williams 4, Lanaia Burkes 2; Vicenza: Maya Fitch 16, Mackenzie Blue 13, Addie Kropp 9, Sara Fitch 4, Marley Denton 2, Emeline Rodriquez 2, Laurel Gill 1. Noteworthy – Kropp had 8 steals and Maya Fitch 5 for the Cougars.

Vicenza 48, Aviano 22

Saturday at Aviano

Scorers – Vicenza: Blue 22, M. Fitch 6, S. Fitch 5, Kropp 5, Gill 4, Denton 4, Tyler Holt 2; Aviano: Burkes 10.

AOSR 50, Marymount 12

Friday at Rome

Marymount 4 6 0 2 _12
AOSR 13 17 12 8 _50

Scorers – Marymount: Natia 6; AOSR: Clara Clayton 20, Natlia DiMatteo 10.

AOSR 47, Marymount 8

Saturday at Rome

Marymount 2 2 2 2 _8
AOSR 14 16 13 6 _47

Scorers – Marymount: Grace O’Connor 2, Clara Young 2, Abigail Desporte 2; AOSR: Clayton 20, Annika Kravetsky 14, DiMatteo 8.

author picture
Matt is a sports reporter for Stars and Stripes based in Kaiserslautern, Germany. A son of two career Air Force aircraft maintenance technicians, he previously worked at newspapers in northeast Ohio for 10 years and is a graduate of Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.
author picture
Kent has filled numerous roles at Stars and Stripes including: copy editor, news editor, desk editor, reporter/photographer, web editor and overseas sports editor. Based at Aviano Air Base, Italy, he’s been TDY to countries such as Afghanistan Iraq, Kosovo and Bosnia. Born in California, he’s a 1988 graduate of Humboldt State University and has been a journalist for 40 years.

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