Jump ahead to:Transportation and Safe Haven AllowancesHousehold Goods/Shipping AllowancesPetsPOVHousing Allowance Entitlement Family Separation AllowanceThe allowances paid for authorized or ordered departures are the same.
A dependent who is at/in the member’s PDS vicinity in Japan when the evacuation is authorized/ ordered, is authorized transportation to a safe haven or to a designated place if competent authority directs the travel (JFTR U6004B).
The current evacuation authorization designates the United States (50 states and D.C.) as the safe haven location. Election of Hawaii or Alaska as a safe haven requires approval from PDUSD (P&R).
Transportation and Safe Haven AllowancesTransportation expenses/travel per diem continues from time the family departs the evacuation site, through the time they reach their safe haven location. This includes processing time, however does not include time spent on personal travel while enroute to safe haven location (U6004B).
Travel and transportation allowances are also payable to a member, a U.S. Gov’t civilian employee, or a person who travels under an official travel authorization/order as an escort for a dependent evacuated who is incapable of traveling alone to the safe haven, due to age, physical or mental incapacity, or other extraordinary circumstances (JFTR U6004H1).
Safe haven allowances for a uniformed member’s command-sponsored dependents for the first 30 days are up to 100% of the local per diem rate (including lodging, meals and incidentals) for dependents 12 years and above; dependents under 12 years receive up to 50% of the local per diem rate. Allowances for days 31-180 are up to 60% for dependents 12 years or older and up to 50% for those under age 12 (JFTR 6005D1).
Once the safe haven location is selected, it cannot be changed. Waiver authority is PDUSD (P&R).
Non-command sponsored dependents are authorized transportation allowances only – no safe haven allowances/per diem (JFTR U6001A1).
Command-sponsored dependents may receive $25/day/family local travel allowances to partially offset the expenses an incurred for required local travel (JFTR U6006B2).
Tax paid on lodgings while at a safe haven is a reimbursable expense (JFTR U6005A).
Household Goods/Shipping AllowancesWhen a dependent is directed to move to a safe haven the member is authorized transportation of unaccompanied baggage for the dependent, and those HHG items authorized/approved by competent authority as needed for the dependent’s comfort and well-being at the safe haven from the member’s foreign OCONUS PDS and/or from non-temporary storage (NTS) to the safe haven (JFTR U6007B1).
Members’ dependents may ship up to 350 pounds of unaccompanied baggage per adult and 175 pounds per child under 12 years of age, for a maximum of 1,000 pounds (JFTR 6007A2).
If the unaccompanied baggage allowance is not used because of circumstances beyond the evacuee’s control, an air freight replacement allowance may be authorized/ approved to help defray costs of items ordinarily part of the authorized shipment which must be purchased. The flat amounts are as follows: one evacuated dependent: $250; two evacuated dependents: $450(total); three or more evacuated dependents: $600 (total) (JFTR U6007A3).
Pets - A member is authorized transportation to the safe haven location incident to an evacuation from a foreign PDS for up to two household pets which the member owned at the evacuated foreign PDS (to include quarantine fees). Animals such as horses, fish, birds, various rodents, and others are excluded due to size, exotic nature, shipping restrictions, host country restrictions, and/or special handling difficulties (JFTR U6016).
POV - Transportation of a POV at Gov’t expense to a safe haven is not authorized (JFTR U6008A1).
Housing Allowance Entitlement A member, whose command sponsored dependents are evacuated and who was authorized a with dependent housing allowance on the evacuation date, continues to be paid such allowance while the member's PDS remains unchanged and the member continues to maintain private sector housing, as long as the command-sponsored dependents are receiving evacuation allowances.
If dependents’ return to the PDS is not authorized/approved, they are directed to select a designated place and continue to receive evacuation allowances until they establish a permanent residence. A member is authorized a with-dependents allowance based on the designated place location beginning the day after evacuation allowance per diem terminates. OHA based on the OCONUS PDS stops the day before (JFTR U10426A1). Once the housing allowance at the dependents’ location begins (the day the dependents move into a permanent residence), if government quarters are not available for the member at the OCONUS PDS, FSH-O begins on the same day (JFTR U10426A1).
Family Separation AllowanceA member is entitled to FSA if a member has a dependent depart an overseas duty station at government expense because of an evacuation and begins on the date of dependent’s departure from the PDS (DODFMR Vol. 7A, Table 27-3, Rule 16).