Jump ahead to news from:DODEA PacificAtsugiMisawaYokosukaYokota
U.S. Army JapanU.S. Army Japan commander to hold town hall meetings 9:53 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
The commander of U.S. Army Japan and I Corps will hold town hall meetings with Army personnel in the Tokyo region throughout the day Friday, the Army announced on its Facebook page.
Maj. Gen. Michael Harrison will address soldiers, family members and civilians and answer questions during a series of meetings at the Camp Zama Community Club, the service said.
Meeting with Japanese civilian employees at Zama will begin at 8:30 a.m., a meeting with soldiers and all family members will be at 10 a.m., a meeting with Japanese civilian employees working outside Zama will be at 1:30, and a meeting with U.S. civilian workers will be at 3 p.m.
The 10 a.m. meeting with soldiers and families will be broadcast on the Zama command channel and those who are interested can call in to hear the meeting at 263-3881 or 046-407-3881.
—Travis J. Tritten
The latest on school openings and closings5:43 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From DODEA Pacific's Facebook page:
Based on current information, all Misawa AB schools will REOPEN on Monday (3/21).
Schools that will be CLOSED on Monday (3/21):
Arnn ES (staff must report to work but no students)Byrd ES (closed for staff and students)Ikego ES (closed for staff and students)Kinnick HS (closed for staff and students)Lanham ES (closed for staff and students)Sullivans ES (closed for staff and students)Yokosuka MS (closed for staff and students)Zama American MS (staff must report to work but no students)Zama American HS (staff must report to work but no students)Please note that Camp Zama schools including Arnn ES, Zama American MS and Zama American HS are scheduled to REOPEN on Tues. (3/22).
— Dave Ornauer
AtsugiAtsugi chapel services 5 p.m. Saturday, Tokyo time
From NAF Atsugi's Facebook page:
Chapel service schedule for Sunday:
0900 Catholic Mass (Main Chapel)0900 Protestant Traditional (Small Chapel)1100 Protestant Contemporary (Main Chapel)1230 Gospel Lay-led Service (Main Chapel)1400 Word of Victory Lay-led Service (Fellowship Hall)
After Hours Chaplain Need: 264-3100
-- Dave Ornauer
The NAF Atsugi plan for the Military Assisted Voluntary Departure of Dependents9:58 a.m. Saturday Tokyo time
Naval Air Facility Atsugi is actively planning for the Military Assisted Voluntary Departure of Dependents. The first possible aircraft could arrive this evening (Mar. 19). The category lists have been simplified due to incomplete information received. Categories #1 through #4 still apply. The following is how the notification process will work:• The groups within each category will be notified alphabetically• The first group to be informed will be NAF Atsugi Category 1, with last names starting from A to M (approx. 300 personnel)• The second group to be informed will be NAF Atsugi Category 1 with last names starting from N to Z (approx. 300 personnel)• Then Category #1 personnel from Yokosuka (approx. 1,500 pers.) and Zama (approx. 300 pers.)• The above process will repeat for Categories #2, #3 and #4• When your category is announced, bring all your luggage, pets, children and report to Cinema 77REMINDER: This is still in the planning stage - NO Categories have been called as of 9 a.m. March 19, 2011.Military Assisted Voluntary Departure of Dependents Categories#1 - Expectant mothers, families with infants to 0-2 years old and special needs.#2 - Families with children 3-6 years old#3 - Families with children 7-12 years old#4 - Families with children 13 years old and above or no children*** The ONLY pets allowed for travel are CATS and DOGS ***
-- Erik Slavin
Atsugi pharmacy: We're flexible 7 p.m. Friday Tokyo time
From NAF Atsugi's Facebook page:
The pharmacy is closed this weekend. The branch health clinic is open to collect medical records. If the pharmacy needs to be open due to the voluntary departure it will be open.
—Dave Ornauer
Atsugi to count evacuees on Friday 9:43 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
Naval Air Facility Atsugi is holding two meetings Friday to count people who voluntarily plan to evacuate. The first meeting is at Halsey Gym at 8 a.m. for families with expectant mothers, children 6 years old and younger and special needs children.
The second meeting is at Cinema 77 at 10 a.m. for all other family members who plan to leave. Families do not need to bring their children and should not bring their pets or luggage to the meetings, according to a command statement.
—Erik Slavin
Atsugi pharmacy to open at 6 a.m. to support travelers 9:41 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
The Atsugi Branch Health Clinic Pharmacy opens at 6 a.m. Friday for families who will be traveling. Only 10-day supplies of prescriptions will be filled, according to a command statement.
—Erik Slavin
Gas rationing changes on NAF Atsugi 3:01 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
Due to the current increase in available gas at the NEX Autoport the Command of NAFA has increased the gasoline ration effective immediately to 8 gallons per authorized vehicle with no restriction on the vehicle tank level.
In addition, as the situation for available gas off-base and intermittent public transportation, it has been authorized for NAF Atsugi Local National employees to purchase gasoline at the NEX Autoport under the same ration. NAF Atsugi local national employees may only purchase gas for the personal vehicles. Their NAF Atsugi base pass and NAF Atusgi vehicle pass must be verified by Autoport personnel before they are allowed to dispense gas. Credit cards and cash will be accepted. US dollars are preferred however Yen will be accepted at the current *peg rate of 82 and change will be given in US dollars.
This will cause congestion at the Autoport. Please be patient and understanding of this situation. The Autoport will cease dispensing gas at 1630 Thursday 3/17 due to power outage and will not re-open until Friday 3/18 1030.
Only 1 gallon is authorized in approved containers.There is no ration on Diesel at this time.Peg rate is subject to change— Matt Orr
MisawaSchool openings and closings5:40 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time.From DODEA Pacific's Facebook page:Based on current information, all Misawa Air Base schools will reopen on Monday (3/21).
Schools that will be closed on Monday (3/21):
Arnn ES (staff must report to work but no students)Byrd ES (closed for staff and students)Ikego ES (closed for staff and students)Kinnick HS (closed for staff and students)Lanham ES (closed for staff and students)Sullivans ES (closed for staff and students)Yokosuka MS (closed for staff and students)Zama American MS (staff must report to work but no students)Zama American HS (staff must report to work but no students)Please note that Camp Zama schools including Arnn ES, Zama American MS and Zama American HS are scheduled to REOPEN on Tues. (3/22).
—Dave Ornauer
Commander's message forthcoming at Misawa 1:30 p.m. Friday, Japan time
The commander of the 35th Fighter Wing will address the Misawa Air Base community with "a highly important message" on Channel 8 and AFN radio at 1405 (2:05 p.m.)
Misawa schools to remain closed 4:05 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
Department of Defense Dependents Schools officials in the Pacific announced that schools at Misawa Air Base, Japan, will remain closed. The schools at the base have been closed since the earthquake hit on Friday.
—Sam Amrhein
YokosukaServices available Monday at Fleet Activities YokosukaMidnight Sunday, Tokyo time
- Post Office: Open for normal working hours.- NEX:*Main Store and Mini Mart: 0900-2000*Autoport Mini Mart: 0600-2100*Home Accents: 0900-2000*Ikego Mini Mart: 1000-1800*Fleet Store: 0900-1900*NEX Depot: 0900-1700*Kids NEX Door: 0900-2100*Omise: 0900-1700*Home Gallery: ClosedNormal Working Hours: Dry Cleaning, Personalized Services,Pack 'n Wrap, Video Rental, Base Taxi, New Car Sales *Food Service Operations: Sat/Sun/Mon 1000-2100 for Taco Bell and A&W0630-2030 for Main Store Food Court1100-2100 for Sbarro's0730-2100 for Bayside0630-2100 for Subway1100-1800 for Popeyes and Manchu Wok- Commissary: Open for normal working hours.- NFCU: Closed until further notice. All NFCU ATM’s are out of cash.- Community Bank: Monday hours depend on staffing. Closure is not yet determined. - Negishi bank is closed until further notice. - Community Bank ATM’s are the only source for cash on base. -- Dave Ornauer
When you land, get in touch 8:50 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Fleet Activities Yokosuka Facebook page, important information for after arrival at safe-haven points:
It is essential that all personnel and/or family members check in with the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) upon arrival to their evacuation site. This can be completed two ways.
If you have computer access, you can log into their website at https://navyfamily.navy.mil/ and complete.
The following information will be required for login:
Sponsors SSNSponsors DOBIf you do not have computer access, You can call the 24-Hour Navy Emergency Coordination Center:1-877-414-5358 or 1-866-827-5672
The following information will be required:
NameSponsor’s UIC— Dave Ornauer
Before you head out ... 5:20 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time
Message from Fleet Activities Yokosuka's Facebook page:
If you decide to evacuate please do the following:
Unplug all personally own appliances (TV, stereo, etc.)Shut off water for washer and other equipmentDo not abandon any petsClose and lock all windows to include storage doorsTake out all trashDispose of all perishable foods.— Dave Ornauer
Services at Chapel of Hope, Yokosuka 3:30 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Fleet Activities Yokosuka's Facebook page: Services at Chapel of Hope, Yokosuka
FRIDAY, March 181145 All-Faith Prayer Service Chapel of Hope1700 All-Faith Prayer Service Chapel of Hope1800 Jewish Sabbath Service Chapel of Hope, Jewish Chapel
SATURDAY, March 191600 Roman Catholic Confession Chapel of Hope1700 Roman Catholic Mass Chapel of Hope1900 Candlelight Vigil Chapel of Hope
SUNDAY, March 200800 Roman Catholic Mass Chapel of Hope0930 Protestant Worship Chapel of Hope1100 Roman Catholic Mass Chapel of Hope1700 Protestant Worship Chapel of Hope
The Chapel Main Sanctuary will be open for prayer and meditation from 0730-1930 every day until further notice.—Dave Ornauer
Yokosuka parking lot secured 1:20 p.m. Friday, Japan time
From Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka Facebook page:The twelve hour parking lot across from the base taxi stand is secured until further notice.—Dave Ornauer
Americable office closing early at Yokosuka 1:15 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Americable Facebook page:
By Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka on Friday, March 18, 2011 at 1:06 p.m.Because of reduced manning as a result of the voluntary eligible family member departure, the Yokosuka Office will close Friday 3/18 at 1300. If you are departing and wish to have your service suspended please email support@americablejapan.com with your name and account number and we will suspend your service.You do NOT need to provide a deposit and should not attempt to return equipment. If you depart, please secure the Americable equipment, as you would any valuable possession, because you are still responsible for it. Americable will operate the Cable and Internet systems as long as conditions permit.
— Dave Ornauer
Departure times unknown for Yokosuka residents 10:42 a.m. Friday local Tokyo time
Times and dates of departure for Yokosuka Naval Base residents wishing to voluntarily evacuate are still unknown, according to a statement from Yokosuka commander Capt. David Owen.
Four flights with military family members have already left Narita International Airport, according to Adm. Robert Willard, head of Pacific Command.
Also, most facilities at Yokosuka remain open some with reduced manning. Chili’s, the base clubs and schools are closed. The gyms, exchange and commissary remain open.
—Erik Slavin
Yokosuka Family Assistance Center open 24 hours 10:30 a.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Fleet Activities Yokosuka's Facebook page:The Family Assistance Center is up and running 24 hours a day at this time. Their number is 243-1728/29/30/31/32/33. This is a great resource for any questions or concerns you may have.
—Dave Ornauer
Power outage schedules at Yokosuka 10:20 a.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Yokosuka Navy Legal Services office:
Fussa City officials announced that there will be a power outage scheduled for today from 12:20 - 4 p.m.. The maximum duration is 3 hours.
—Dave Ornauer
Yokosuka facilities update 10:20 a.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Yokosuka Naval Base's Web page, address from commanding officer:
Rumor Control. Most facilities remain open at CFAY, some with reduced manning. Chili's and Clubs (O'Club, CPO, A-Club) are closed due to monetary funds consolidation and shortage of work personnel. Additionally, schools are closed. Gyms remain open along with NEX, Commissary and other operations.
As of right now, no evacuation has been ordered. OSD has authorized voluntary depature of military families. Transportation i.e. planes have not arrived yet and we do not have a date/time for their arrival.
—Dave Ornauer
Information for expectant mothers from Naval Hospital Yokosuka 1:10 a.m. Friday, Tokyo time.
‎Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka: If you are pregnant and due in March or April (Beyond 36 Weeks) and have not been contacted by the Maternal Infant Newborn Unit, please check in with them via telephone at DSN: 243-5311 or Commercial: 046-816-5311 to check in.—Dave Ornauer
Yokosuka naval hospital open 10:01 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka is currently open for urgent care and emergency services, according to a hospital news release.
The pharmacy is operating around the clock, the release said.
The hospital is capable of providing a 10-day supply of medications for people who are due for a refill or a new prescription.
Per normal procedures, medical records must be picked up in person by their adult owner unless a person has a power of attorney that specifies medical records for another person. Parents and guardians may pick up medical records for their children under 17.
The Maternal Infant Newborn Unit has initiated a telephone muster of all pregnant patients who are beyond 36 weeks in their pregnancy. Those who were not contacted by 9 p.m. Thursday should call DSN: 243-5311, or 046-816-5311.
—Erik Slavin
Yokosuka: Don't go to rec center just yet 9:37 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
Yokosuka Naval Base officials are asking that people not report to the Fleet Recreation Center in anticipation of an evacuation at this time.
—Erik Slavin
Yokosuka announces reduced MWR activities 8:20 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
From Fleet Activities Yokosuka's Facebook page:
MWR Operations For 18 Mar 2011 by Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 8:08 pmBenny Decker & Fleet Theaters, Auto Hobby, Wood Hobby, Bowling Center, and all food operations as well as the Community Center and outdoor recreation building will also be closed.
CDC, SAC and Teen programs will operate Friday with the exception of hourly CDC (we are short on staff so this operation is being shut down). The Teen Center, CDC and SAC programs will close at 1830. If emergency care is needed over the weekend, we will possibly be able to open one in Yokosuka. Will contact EOC on this Friday.
Liberty Center will be open with a skeleton crew of staff. We will let anyone in that wants to hang out or use the computers for Internet access. Library will be open, mainly to offer access to the Internet. We will do this again with a skeleton crew.
Fleet Gym and Purdy Fitness will be open with the exception of the pool.
—Dave Ornauer
Yokosuka folks can check out medical records 5:15 p.m. Thursday Tokyo time
Any U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka beneficiaries departing Japan can check out their health records at the hospital medical records department, base officials announced Thursday afternoon.
—Erik Slavin
YokotaUpdate on Yokota departures 1 a.m. Saturday, Tokyo time
From Yokota Air Base 374th Airlift Wing public affairs office:Team Yokota,
MPS Customer Service will be open Saturday, 19 Mar 11, 0800-1200, tosupport renewing ID cards for evacuee's departure.
--Dave Ornauer
Help available for people struggling with the quake 8:52 p.m. Friday, Tokyo time
From Yokota Air Base's Facebook page:
"Thriving Through Adversity" Workshop - Saturday, March 19, 2 to 3 p.m.
The 374th Medical Group Mental Health Clinic and the 374th Airlift Wing chaplains are scheduled to host a "Thriving through Adversity" Workshop. This workshop will offer practical tips to help you and your family cope with the recent natural disaster.
It will be held Saturday from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Yokota Main Chapel.
All Yokota residents are welcomed. *Childcare will not be provided but children may attend at the parent's discretion.
— Dave Ornauer
Yokota closures and cancellations 6:55 p.m. Thursday, Tokyo time.
From Yokota Air Base's Facebook page.
Here's a comprehensive list of closures and cancellations at Yokota: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/notes/yokota-air-base-japan/cancellations-original-dates-of-cancelled-events-noted/208661979146812
—Dave Ornauer