Rina Ihu of Okinawa’s Kubasaki Dragons receives a serve from the Academy of Our Lady of Guam Cougars during Friday’s quarterfinal match in the Far East Girls Class AA volleyball tournament at Falcon Gym, Seoul American High School, South Post, Yongsan Garrison, South Korea. Kubasaki, the last DODDS-Pacific team standing with a shot at the title, lost 25-15, 25-22, 22-25, 27-25. (Dave Ornauer / S&S)
Friday’s results from the Far East Class A and Class AA girls volleyball tournaments:
Girls Class A VolleyballAt E.J. King High School and Old Fleet Gym, Sasebo Naval Base, Japan
Double-elimination playoffs
Match 1-Matthew C. Perry, Japan, def. International Christian-Uijongbu, South Korea, 25-15, 25-14
Match 2-Faith Academy, Philippines, def. Osan American, South Korea, 31-29, 25-9
Match 3-Int’l School of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, def. E.J. King, Japan 25-11, 25-19
Match 4-Taegu American, South Korea, def. Korea International 25-22, 25-9
Match 5-Morrison Christian Academy, Taiwan, def. Matthew C. Perry 25-10, 25-11
Match 6-E.J. King def. ICS-Uijongbu 25-12, 25-15; ICS-Uijongbu eliminated
Match 7-Korea Int’l def. M.C. Perry 25-15, 21-25, 15-6; M.C. Perry eliminated
Match 8-Faith def. Sacred Heart 25-19, 25-20
Match 9-Morrison Christian def. Taegu American 25-14, 23-25, 15-4
Match 10-Osan def. E.J. King 19-25, 25-22, 16-14; E.J. King eliminated
Match 11-Sacred Heart def. Korea Int’l 25-12, 25-12; Korea Int’l eliminated
Match 12-Osan def. Taegu 25-22, 20-25, 15-7; Taegu eliminated
Match 13-Morrison Christian def. Faith Academy 25-23, 25-19, 25-29
Match 14-Sacred Heart def. Osan 21-25, 25-18, 25-22, 30-28; Osan eliminated
Match 15-Faith def. Sacred Heart 25-22, 25-9, 25-22; Sacred Heart eliminated
Match 16-Morrison Christian def. Faith 25-19, 25-22, 25-13; Faith eliminated
MVP: Ashley Mueller, Morrison Christian
Best Server: Christina John, Taegu
Best Setter: Celine Baldevia, Osan
Best Hitter: Ashley Mueller, Morrison Christian
Best Defender: Hannah Harvell, Faith
Best Blocker: Jenny Tai, Morrison Christian
All-tournament team: Jenny Tai, Rachel Schulz, Ashley Mueller, Morrison Christian; Hannah Harvell, Crystal Ballentine, Tashia Hardeman, Faith; Monika Kusaka, Leyna Arbour, Sacred Heart; Laura Vega, Celine Baldevia, Osan; Christina John, Taegu; Il Jee Kam, Korea Int’l; Christina Renick, E.J. King; Ashley Taylor, Matthew C. Perry; Eunice Rhee, ICS-Uijongbu.
Final playoff individual leaders
Korea International: Il Jee Kam 14 spike kills in 43 attempts, 12 defensive digs.
Faith Academy: Crystal Ballentine 47 spike kills in 109 attempts, 15 block points; Tashia Hardeman 10 service aces, 37 spike kills in 114 attempts, 13 defensive digs; S. Ruiz 70 set assists, 16 block points, 12 defensive digs; Hannah Harvell 22 defensive digs.
Sacred Heart: Emily Strack 26 service aces, 39 spike kills in 76 attempts; Leyna Arbour 51 set assists, 20 spike kills in 35 attempts; Monika Kusaka 19 spike kills in 46 attempts, 23 set assists, 18 defensive digs; A. Rachubo 14 defensive digs.
Morrison Christian: Rachel Schulz 28 spike kills in 111 attempts, 46 defensive digs; T. Atkin 105 set assists, 13 defensive digs; E. Atkin 15 defensive digs; Ashley Mueller 74 spike kills in 178 attempts, 41 defensive digs; J. Lu 28 defensive digs.
Osan American: Celine Baldevia 27 spike kills in 81 attempts, 42 set assists, 51 defensive digs; Laura Vega 21 spike kills in 101 attempts, 10 service aces, 26 set assists, 17 defensive digs; Brittany Hibbard 45 defensive digs; Sasha Gluzinski 35 defensive digs, 16 spike kills in 55 attempts; Katie Barnes 26 defensive digs; Dawn Moore 22 spike kills in 83 attempts, 27 defensive digs.
Taegu: Hannah Oh 45 defensive digs. LaShaw Denson 9 spike kills in 53 attempts, 15 set assists, 17 defensive digs. Alex Vynorius 14 spike kills in 74 attempts, 17 defensive digs. Christina John 8 service aces, 13 spike kills in 47 attempts, 11 defensive digs.
E.J. King: Panagsagan 6 spike kills in 17 attempts, 6 service aces. Faddis 18 set assists. Perez 8 defensive digs, 5 service aces.
Matthew C. Perry: Sindac 7 spike kills in 22 attempts. Shulock 5 spike kills in 10 attempts, 13 set assists. Taylor 9 service aces. Tarazon 7 defensive digs. Lacey 7 defensive digs. Jones 7 defensive digs.
Girls Class AA VolleyballAt Falcon Gym, Seoul American High School, and Collier Field House, South Post Yongsan Garrison, South Korea
Single-elimination playoffs
Match 1-American School In Japan def. Guam High 25-8, 25-15, 25-5
Match 2-Simon Sanchez, Guam, def. Zama American, Japan, 25-14, 25-14, 14-25, 21-25, 15-6
Match 3-Seoul American def. Kadena, Okinawa, 25-18, 25-15, 25-20
Match 4-Christian Academy In Japan def. Nile C. Kinnick, Japan, 25-11, 25-7, 25-16
Match 5-Academy of Our Lady of Guam def. Yokota, Japan, 25-15, 25-16, 25-11
Match 6-Kubasaki, Okinawa, def. Hong Kong International 23-25, 25-19, 25-19, 25-21
Match 7-John F. Kennedy, Guam, def. Seisen International, Tokyo, 25-20, 22-25, 10-25, 25-18, 15-12
Match 8-George Washington, Guam, def. Robert D. Edgren, Japan, 25-6, 25-8, 25-17
Match 9-Zama def. Guam 25-14, 25-20
Match 10-Kadena def. Kinnick 25-20, 25-23
Match 11-Yokota def. Hong Kong Int’l 25-21, 14-25, 15-10
Match 12-Seisen def. Edgren 25-15, 25-17
Match 13-ASIJ def. Simon Sanchez 25-17, 25-18, 25-13
Match 14-CAJ def. Seoul American 25-18, 25-16, 25-16
Match 15-Academy of Our Lady of Guam def. Kubasaki 25-15, 25-22, 22-25, 27-25
Match 16-George Washington def. John F. Kennedy 25-12, 25-15, 25-19
Match 17-Seoul American def. Zama 25-15, 18-25, 15-6
Match 18-Simon Sanchez def. Kadena 25-20, 25-18
Match 19-John F. Kennedy def. Yokota 25-14, 25-22
Match 20-Seisen def. Kubasaki 25-22, 16-25, 15-9
Match 21-Seoul American def. Simon Sanchez 27-25, 25-17
Match 22-John F. Kennedy def. Seisen 13-25, 25-19, 15-12
Match 23-ASIJ def. CAJ 28-26, 25-13, 25-12
Match 24-George Washington def. Academy of Our Lady of Guam 25-20, 25-18, 27-25
Match 25-Seisen vs. Simon Sanchez, seventh place
Match 26-Seoul American vs. John F. Kennedy, fifth place
Match 27-CAJ vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam, third place
Match 28-George Washington vs. ASIJ, championship
Friday’s summaries
Championship bracket
ASIJ def. Simon Sanchez 25-17, 25-18, 25-13
ASIJ-Catherine Thornton 10 spike kills in 24 attempts. Sanchez-Ginalynn Naburn 7 spike kills, 9 defensive digs; Monica Malig 7 spike kills, 3 block points; Marianne Bautista 6 spike kills, 3 block points, 8 defensive digs; Franchesca Leon Guerrero 27 set assists, 6 defensive digs; Raquel Buentipo 10 defensive digs.
CAJ def. Seoul American 25-18, 25-16, 25-16
CAJ-Kelsey Masuda 16 spike kills, 8 block points, 9 defensive digs; Nanae Ohki 10 spike kills, 8 defensive digs; Stephanie Hino 31 set assists; Marian Mine 5 service aces. Seoul-Avianca Manning 12 spike kills in 22 attempts, 4 block points; Gabriella Matautia 5 block points; Mindy John 9 service aces.
Academy of Our Lady of Guam def. Kubasaki 25-15, 25-22, 22-25, 27-25
Academy-Ianna Mariano 14 spike kills in 25 attempts, 4 block points; Stephanie Camacho 10 spike kills in 13 attempts; Genevieve Ilao 39 set assists. Kubasaki-Raelene Tajalle 27 set assists, 10 defensive digs; Monique Chino 11 spike kills in 13 attempts, 12 defensive digs; Sarah Brubaker 7 spike kills in 13 attempts, 4 block points; Chloe Freeman 4 block points, 9 defensive digs.
George Washington def. John F. Kennedy 25-12, 25-15, 25-19
GW-Meilani Quintanilla 6 service aces, 6 defensive digs; Colleen Cruz 10 spike kills in 28 attempts, 7 defensive digs; Juniko Deleon 71 assists; Veronica Ige 6 assists.
ASIJ def. CAJ 28-26, 25-13, 25-18
ASIJ-Catherine Thornton 15 spike kills in 29 attempts. CAJ-Kelsey Masuda 16 spike kills, 15 defensive digs; Nanae Ohki 10 spike kills, 9 defensive digs; Stephanie Hino 33 set assists.
George Washington def. Academy of Our Lady of Guam 25-20, 25-18, 27-25
GW-Colleen Cruz 7 spike kills in 41 attempts, 15 defensive digs; Evelyn Padayao 8 spike kills in 27 attempts; Rachel Raguindin 7 spike kills in 24 attempts; Meilani Quintanilla 6 spike kills in 29 attempts, 13 defensive digs, 5 set assists.
Consolation bracket
Seoul American def. Zama 25-15, 18-25, 15-6
Seoul-Avianca Manning 12 spike kills in 22 attempts, 4 block points; Gabriella Matautia 5 block points; Kristina Queen 9 set assists.
Simon Sanchez def. Kadena 25-20, 25-18
Sanchez-Monica Malig 6 spike kills; Ginalynn Naburn 6 spike kills, 5 defensive digs; Franchesca Leon Guerrero 28 set assists. Kadena, Aja Walker 4 block points, 5 defensive digs; Jasmine Spruill 3 block points, 8 defensive digs; Helen Schrock 7 defensive digs.
John F. Kennedy def. Yokota 25-14, 25-22
JFK-Catherine Aquinde 67 assists, 7 defensive digs; Jeneal Besabe 29 defensive digs, 8 spike kills in 22 attempts; Kaexie Magadia 20 defensive digs.
Seisen def. Kubasaki 25-22, 16-25, 15-9
Kubasaki-Raelene Tajalle 14 set assists, 6 defensive digs; Raeanne Tajalle 6 spike kills in 14 attempts; Chloe Freeman 5 block points.
Seoul American def. Simon Sanchez 27-25, 25-17
Seoul-Avianca Manning 11 spike kills in 20 attempts, 4 block points; Joan Montanez 6 set assists; Lorna Haney 6 set assists; Mindy John 5 defensive digs. Sanchez-Ginalynn Naburn 6 spike kills; Marianne Bautista 6 spike kills; Franchesca Leon Guerrero 25 set assists.
John F. Kennedy def. Seisen 13-25, 25-19, 15-12
JFK-Charmaine Garcia 8 spike kills in 16 attempts; Jeneal Besabe 5 spike kills in 24 attempts, 25 defensive digs; Catherine Aquinde 5 spike kills in 13 attempts, 80 assists, 9 defensive digs. Seisen-Lisa Sizemore 10 spike kills in 15 attempts, 11 defensive digs; Jessica Eastling 11 spike kills in 13 attempts, 3 block points. 10 defensive digs.