Dear reading friends,
It is with sadness that we pass along the word that Stars and Stripes stopped carrying the Volksmarch column on Sept. 27, 2013. We were caught by surprise by the budgetary ax that has been wreaking havoc across the nation.
We owe a lot to the people we have met through this job. The folks at Stars and Stripes have been remarkable people who have turned Bob’s ramblings into the polished product you read each week. The readers who sent us fliers were the ones who kept the column going. Without the thousands of fliers sent to us, we would have been dead in the water. To all the walkers we have met on the trails and in the start halls, we want to say thanks for everything. Your friendship has been the real reward of writing this column. We would love to thank you all by name, but that would require a special edition of Stars and Stripes.
We will still be at, so we can talk about volksmarching, and we’ll gladly still accept fliers. We will continue to volksmarch all across Europe and hope to see you on the trail soon.
Meanwhile, we urge you to remember that although this column has come to an end, volksmarching in Europe continues! Find current event information at or
The International Federation of Popular Sports (Internationaler Volks-sportverband, or IVV) publishes a book of events organized by its members worldwide. The events are arranged by date and by member country. Types of events are specified, their locations, hours, often their distance, and contact information. The book is softbound and is sold for 8 euros within Germany, 12.50 euros for other countries.
Order it from:
IVV-Headquarters; Fabrikstr. 8; 84503 Altötting; Deutschland Phone 0049 8671 883067 Fax 0049 8671 963131 Email
The Deutscher Volkssportverband e.V, (or DVV) has an event guide also, which can be ordered for 2.50 euros plus 2.00 euros shipping. Order from:
DVVin Altötting Phone 08671/9631-0 Fax 08671/9631-31 Email or DVV marketing in simmering / Hunsrück Phone 06761/9624-40 Fax 06761/9624-41 E-mail
If you need more or different information, drop us a line at If our loyal volksmarchers continue to send us fliers, we should have walk information at our fingertips.
Our postal address for fliers remains: Bob and Lorraine Huffaker; CMR 460, Box 278; APO, AE 09752-0278
Happy trails, folks!