Rebecca Edmonds grew up a Navy brat and loved it, so much so that when it was her turn to choose a path in life, she chose the Air Force.
At 18, Edmonds made her decision to join the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) and was offered a full scholarship to Marquette University, a Catholic and Jesuit university in Milwaukee, Wis. She jumped at the opportunity to earn a degree in nursing on her way to becoming an officer, according to a CNN report.
Her father Navy Capt. Tony Edmonds was proud to swear in his eldest child as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force.
Weeks before her commissioning, Edmonds discovered she was pregnant and chose to keep it a secret from the Air Force to move forward with officer training. When she came clean, her new career came to a halting stop.
The Air Force forbids single parents from enlisting. The reason for the policy, according to CNN citing Air Force officials, is that the demands of deployment and military service put strain on family life and even more so for single parents.
Edmonds, ejected from the Air Force, now stands accused of committing fraud and had her $92,000 scholarship revoked. Her case is currently under review.
Source: CNN