Tom Navo, left, and David Hambleton Schwab celebrate their tie for best actor in a play at the annual U.S. Army Europe Topper Awards ceremony Saturday, April 25, 2015, in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Both men portrayed jurors in Baumholder's production of the play ''12 Angry Men.'' (Matt Millham/Stars and Stripes)
Best Make-up for a Play: Corinne Senkbeil, Hansel and Gretel, Razz-Ma-Tazz Family Theater
Best Costume Design for a Play: Amy Hopkins, Hansel and Gretel, Razz-Ma-Tazz Family Theater
Best Lighting Design for a Play: Staff Sgt. Prosper Goering and Cindy Krewson, Hansel and Gretel, Razz-Ma-Tazz Family Theater
Best Sound Design for a Play: Alan Buxkemper, Her Stories, Stuttgart Theatre Center
Best Set Design for a Play: Tie –Dan LaMorte, Scenes From American Life, SHAPE Players’ Performing Arts School; and Chris Senkbeil, Hansel and Gretel, Razz-Ma-Tazz Family Theater
Best Stage Properties & Dressing for a Play: Nate Records, Kindertransport, KMC Onstage
Best Technical Director of a Play: Chris Senkbeil, Hansel and Gretel, Razz-Ma-Tazz Family Theater
Best Ensemble for a Play: 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play: Steve Knaup (Juror 11), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Lois Borsay (Juror 9), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Supporting Actor in a Play: Le Mec Mortel (Juror 4), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Supporting Actress in a Play: Audrey Daly (Helga), Kindertransport, KMC Onstage
Best Actor in a Play: Tie - David Hambleton Schwab (Juror 8), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater; Tom Navo (Juror 3), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Actress in a Play: Tie – Lydia Baxter (Sylvia), Sylvia, Garmisch Players Community Theatre; Sarah Rigdon (Truvey) Steel Magnolias, Grafenwöhr Performing Arts Center
Best Director of a Play: Cheryl Navo, 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Play: 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Family Show: Shrek Jr., SHAPE Players' Performing Arts School
Best Make-Up for a Musical: Charlotte Geehren, Carol Parcell and Olivia Rachwalik, Shrek Jr., SHAPE Players' Performing Arts School
Best Lighting Design for a Musical: Steven Rakestraw, Young Frankenstein, KMC Onstage
Best Sound Design for a Musical: Barry Robinson, Lucky Stiff, Soldiers' Theatre
Best Set Design for a Musical: Richard Roberts, Working, Stuttgart Theatre Center
Best Costume Design for a Musical: Dan LaMorte, Shrek Jr., SHAPE Players' Performing Arts School
Best Stage Properties and Dressing for a Musical: Mindy Malenius, Willy Wonka, Hilltop Theater
Best Technical Director for a Musical: Dan Carr, Les Miserables, Amelia Earhart Playhouse
Best Choreography: Heather Ainsworth and Dan LaMort, Shrek Jr., SHAPE Players' Performing Arts School
Best Orchestra or Musical Accompaniment: Lucky Stiff, Vicenza Soldiers' Theatre
Best Instrumentalist: Alan Buxkemper (piano), Working, Stuttgart Theatre Center
Best Musical Director: Ciriaco Colella and Aaron Talley, Lucky Stiff, Vicenza Soldiers' Theatre
Best Ensemble or Chorus for a Musical: Working, Stuttgart Theatre Center
Best Chorus Member: Sgt. Vance Williamson (Solicitor, Bellhop), Lucky Stiff, Vicenza Soldiers' Theatre
Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical: Rebekah Mason (Fantine), Les Miserables, Amelia Earhart Playhouse
Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical: Thomas Murphy (Mr. Brooke), Little Women, Aviano Community Theatre
Best Supporting Actress in a Musical: Tie - Giovanna Castellanos (Eponine), Les Miserables, Amelia Earhart Playhouse; Hannah Schweinfurth (Igor), Young Frankenstein, KMC Onstage
Best Supporting Actor in a Musical: Zach Simmons (Donkey), Shrek Jr., SHAPE Players' Performing Arts School
Best Actress in a Musical: Annie Jacobs (Annabel Glick), Lucky Stiff, Vicenza Soldiers' Theatre
Best Actor in a Musical: Staff Sgt. Christopher Long (Dr. Frederick Frankenstein), Young Frankenstein, KMC Onstage
Best Director of a Musical: Dan LaMorte, Shrek Jr., SHAPE Players' Performing Arts School
Best Musical: Working, Stuttgart Theatre Center
Best Hair and Wig Design: Grease Jr., Ansbach Terrace Playhouse
Best Military Performance in a Play: Staff Sgt. Joshua Montambeault (Juror 10), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Male Military Performance in a Musical: Lt. Col. Bryan Mitchell (Tom Patrick), Working, Stuttgart Theatre Center
Best Female Military Performance in a Musical: Sgt. Laura Martin (Rita LaPort), Lucky Stiff, Vicenza Soldiers' Theatre
Best Debut Performance in a Play: Gurdon Smith (Juror 6), 12 Angry Men, Hilltop Theater
Best Debut Performance in a Musical: Jeff Millburg (Charlie Bucket), Willy Wonka, Hilltop Theater
Outstanding Female Youth in Community Theatre: Elizabeth Lambert (Eva), Kindertransport, KMC Onstage
Outstanding Male Youth in Community Theatre: Christopher Craven (Augustus Glop), Willy Wonka, Hilltop Theater
Best Scenic Artistry: Chris Senkbeil, Karin Asselstine and Corinne Senkbeil, Hansel and Gretel, Razz-Ma-Tazz Family
Theater Best Running Crew: Willy Wonka, Hilltop Theater
Special Judges' Choice Awards (Two): Tonya Holloway and Christopher Mazen, Original Music, Her Stories, Stuttgart Theatre Center; and Pat Wilson and Jerry Brees for the Nightmare Dog Heads, Lucky Stiff, Soldiers' Theatre
Special Entertainment Choice Award: Dr. Robert Schloesser (DFMWR, USAG Wiesbaden) for support of the US Army Europe Entertainment Program
The AACT (American Association of CommunityTheater) David C. Bryant Award: Victoria Hanrahan, Entertainment Director, USAG Ansbach.
The Marcus H. Norman IMCOM-E Recreation Award: David Mattingly, IMCOM-E, Business & Recreation Consultant. For unprecedented contributions to Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs.
James T. Martin Entertainment Award: Eric Danzeiser. Entertainment Director, USAG Rheinland Pfalz, Baumholder. Outstanding Individual Achievement in the Army Entertainment Program.