Airman Taylor Robinett, a firefighter with the 374th Civil Engineer Squadron at Yokota Air Base, explains the proper use of a fire extinguisher to Betty-Ann Stinson's kindergarten class at Joan K. Mendel Elementary School, part of the National Fire Prevention Week campaign. (Grant Okubo/Stars and Stripes)
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — The enthusiastic students at Yokota’s Joan K. Mendel Elementary School got a close-up view of fire safety and prevention Thursday.
Firefighters from Yokota’s 374th Civil Engineering Squadron visited the school as part of its National Fire Prevention Week campaign.
Among the activities the students participated in was going through the department’s portable smokehouse. Throughout the day, classes took turns manuevering through the smoke-filled house. Although a serious setting, it was obvious by the smiles and laughter that the students enjoyed making their way to safety.