TOKYO - Rolling blackouts will continue Thursday in greater Tokyo Metropolitan area. Tokyo Electric Power Company, which is conducting the blackouts, announced schedules for rolling blackout until Tuesday.
Here is the list of cities near U.S. military bases that could be effected by the blackouts on Thursday.
The groups will move up a slot one by one for the rest of the schedule until Tuesday. For example, since group 5 will the first to be out of power on Thursday, group 1 will be out of power first on Friday. Then group 2 will be first the next day, then group 3 and so on. Group 5, which was the first on Thursday will be the last to be out of power on Friday.
Shizuoka prefecture, which experience a sufficient scale of earthquake Tuesday night, will not be effected by the blackouts for a while.
Rolling blackouts will be conducted for about three hours during the time slots assigned to each group. Only part of the areas listed will be effected by the blackouts.
This is not the complete list.
Group 5: From 6:20 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 1:50 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Tokyo - Machida city
Kanagawa prefecture - Minami-ku, Isogo-ku, Totsuka-ku, Konan-ku, Midori-ku, Sakae-ku, Aoba-ku and Tsuzuki-ku in Yokohama city, Midori-ku, Chuo-ku and Minato-ku in Sagamihara city, Hiratsuka city, Kamakura city, Fujisawa city, Chigasaki city, Hadano city, Atsugi city, Isesaki city, Ebina city, Zama city, Samukawa town and Oiso town.
Group 4: from 6:20 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 6:20 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tokyo - Akishima city, Machida city, Hachioji city, Tachikawa city and Higashimurayama city
Kanagawa prefecture - Tsurumi-ku and Kohoku-ku in Yokohama city, Chuo-ku, Minami-ku and Midori-ku in Sagamihara city, Atsugi city, Isehara city, Zama city and Aikawa town.
Group 1: from 9:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4:50 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Tokyo - Higashimurayama city
Kanagawa prefecture - Isogo-ku, Kanazawa-ku, Totsuka-ku, Konan-ku, Sakae-ku and Izumi-ku in Yokohama city, Sagamihara city, Yokosuka city, Totsuka city, Kamakura city, Fujisawa city, Chigasaki city, Zushi city, Sagamihara city, Atsugi city, Yamato city, Isehara city, Ebina city, Zama city, Ayase city, Hayama town and Samukawa town.
Group 2: From 12:20 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Tokyo - Akishima city, Machida city and Hachioji city
Kanagawa prefecture - Hodogaya-ku, Asahi-ku, Midori-ku and Seta-ku in Yokohama city, Chuo-ku, Midori-ku and Minami-ku in Sagamihara city, Hiratsuka city, Chigasaki city, Hadano city, Yamato city, Zama city, Ayase city, Samikawa town, Oiso town, Ninomiya town and Nakai town.
Group 3: from 3:20 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Tokyo - - Hamura city, Akishima city, Musashimurayama city, Higashiyamato city, Hachioji city, Higashimurayama city, Tachikawa city and Fussa city.
Kanagawa prefecture - Tsurumi-ku, Kanagawa-ku, Naka-ku, Minami-ku, Hodogaya-ku, Kohoku-ku, Totsuka-ku, Konan-ku, Sakae-ku and Izumi-ku in Yokohama city, Yokosuka city, Zushi city, Miura city, Hadano city and Hayama town.
Some information in English is available at TEPCO website at: