Kentucky Congressional candidate Todd Lally ()
Candidate name: Todd Lally Party affiliation: Republican District: Kentucky's 3rdDistrict Map: Leaning Democratic
Military experience: Air National Guard, 1988-presentOverseas experience: Iraq, 2003-2004; Afghanistan, 2007Service rank: Lt. Colonel (current)
Opponent: John YarmuthMilitary experience: noneIncumbent: John Yarmuth
Lally campaign web siteYarmuth campaign web site
From his web site: Lally, on veterans -- With the array of advances we have made in medical technology, many soldiers that would have perished in the days of Vietnam are returning home from battle today and requiring life-long care. A decision to commit troops into harm’s way must take into account the care that many will need when they return from battle. If they’re prepared to give all, we must be prepared as well. ... In addition to strongly supporting administrative and substantive changes to VA benefits for our current recipients of care, I will pursue legislation that looks forward. The next time Congress considers its Constitutional role to declare war, or the President weighs a decision to commit troops into harm’s way, the cost of caring for our wounded warriors must be taken into account.
-- Complied by Leo Shane III