Rep. John Boccieri, D-Ohio ()
Candidate name: Rep. John Boccieri Party affiliation: DemocratDistrict: Ohio's 16th District Map: Toss up
Military experience: Air Force and Air Force Reserve, 1994 to presentOverseas experience: Four tours in Iraq and AfghanistanService rank: Major (current)
Opponent: Jim RenacciMilitary experience: noneIncumbent: John Boccieri
Boccieri campaign web siteRenacci campaign web site
From his web site: Boccieri, on the current wars -- Bring our troops home safely, honorably and soon: As a proud member of the Armed Forces who has served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, I understand what our troops face in defense of our country and the freedoms we love. I will continue to fight for our troops in battle, even as they are fighting for us now. We must continue our efforts to bring stability to regions where none existed, to support the establishment of democracy where the people cry out for it and, most importantly, to bring our brave men and women home safely, honorably and soon.
-- Complied by Leo Shane III