Florida Congressional candidate Allen West ()
Candidate name: Allen WestParty affiliation: Republican District: Florida's 22ndDistrict Map:Leaning Democratic
Military experience: Army, 1983-2004Overseas experience: Iraq, 2003Service rank: Lt. Colonel (retired)
Opponent: Ron KleinMilitary experience: noneIncumbent: Ron Klein
West campaign web siteKlein campaign web site
From his web site: West, on national defense -- Make no mistake, we are a nation at war against a totalitarian theocratic political ideology that glorifies death rather than celebrating life. To defeat it, we must stay on the offensive. From Afghanistan and Iraq to the Greater Middle East and South America, radical Islam is on the march. And while our attention is focused on combating global terrorism, we must not forget other looming threats just on the horizon in China, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia & Iran. These nations and their leaders represent the biggest threat to our great nation. As your Congressman, I will work to reestablish American Exceptionalism by growing and modernizing America’s Armed forces to ensure that we are prepared for the strategic challenges ahead. Like President Reagan, I believe that peace is best kept through a strong national defense.
-- Complied by Leo Shane III