Illinois Congressional candidate Adam Kinzinger ()
Candidate name: Adam Kinzinger Party affiliation: Republican District: Illinois' 11thDistrict Map: Toss-up
Military experience: Air Force and Air National Guard, 2003 to presentOverseas experience: Three tours in IraqService rank: Captian (current)
Opponent: Debbie HalvorsonMilitary experience: noneIncumbent: Debbie Halvorson
Kinzinger campaign web siteHalvorson campaign web site
From his web site: Kinzinger, on Afghanistan -- We need to enact a military and political surge. The Obama Administration needs to be equally aggressive by applying pressure to Afghan leaders by requiring the government to show political progress. We need to make clear to Afghan leaders and its people that the U.S. will not stay indefinitely. The U.S. can assist the Afghan government by helping with infrastructure projects such as street improvements and development of sewage systems, increasing the 30% literacy rate of the people and enacting training programs to put the Afghan people to work in efforts in building their own country. Such moves will improve the lives of the Afghan people and thereby discourage them from supporting the Taliban.
-- Complied by Leo Shane III