Are you serious with the story "The War Room" (Oct. 27)? I know that there are slow news days, but this story is a slap in the face to all the real pilots and crews who risk their lives across the wire in Iraq and Afghanistan. To publish such a story that is primarily distributed to soldiers who are away from their families is irresponsible.
To those poor Air Force crews flying that drone from Nevada: Yeah, it must be terrible going home to your family every night. I know about 30,000 soldiers who would be happy to trade with you, and I’m one of them.
You watch the destruction of war through a camera and have the gumption to compare yourselves to the soldiers on the ground. How dare you? Really, you are only 18 inches away from it? You need to check your reality.
One of my pilots had a good idea for the drone pilots but, as it is a family newspaper, I cannot repeat it. Instead, I’ll leave you with this: Go whine to your psychiatrist and leave the fight to the real soldiers who are here.
Sgt. 1st Class Gabe D. LoftinCamp Taji, Iraq