Let me get this straight. The Air Force has figured out a way to do an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission from halfway across the globe, keeping its footprint small, saving money and, most importantly, keeping its people out of harm’s way (“The War Room,” article, Oct. 27).
In follow-up letters, some in the Army boast about doing the exact same mission in a combat zone and the Army hasn’t figured out how to follow the Air Force’s lead and keep its ISR soldiers from being deployed.
On top of that, Army captains, chief warrant officers and noncommissioned officers brag about keeping their soldiers downrange and in harm’s way, when they could easily follow the Air Force’s lead and move those soldiers back home.
Did that really just happen?
Is it any wonder that morale in the Army is so low when this type of “leadership” is on display for the entire Department of Defense to see? Last I checked, the U.S. military is an all-volunteer force. You signed the dotted line when you joined the Army. If you didn’t realize you would be deployed the majority of the time and didn’t realize that your life wouldn’t be easy, that is on you.
Stop complaining. We get it, your life is tough. You made that choice, now deal with it. Don’t get angry when a sister service provides a better quality of life to its troops. It just makes you look petty and jealous.
Capt. Woodrow BellBagram Air Field, Afghanistan