In response to “Hill has history of behavior most foul” (Opinion, Norman Ornstein, March 28):
While some people may consider these outbursts to be theatrical ploys and improper, for me, they do nothing other than reaffirm that these men and women making decisions that will affect the path upon which our great nation advances still put great import on the actions of the federal government and the legislation it emplaces.
As someone who aspires to go into legislation, I am encouraged to see that the same passion is still burning in these lawmakers, so much so that they insist on standing their moral ground and representing their constituents after 20 or 30 years on the job. I have [the same passion] burning inside me, regardless of whether I personally agree with their view.
To denounce these acts is shallow and, in doing so, one puts a stigma on passion, which is something our nation’s state and federal legislation has been lacking, especially from the level-headed, logical members, for nearly a century. I applaud these men for having the audacity to refuse to back down, and I hope to see more of such passion in the future.
Imagine! A person practiced in both tact and poise for longer than I’ve been alive, yet still so passionate and fervent about his point of view, his idea of truth, for which he was elected by the people to represent them, that it could push him to the point of primitive violence!
These are the officials who will defend our rights, and the officials whom we can count on to defend, if nothing else, their idea of truth, justice and liberty.
I can only aspire to maintain that same feverish passion through my entire life in all of my endeavors.
Spc. Zachary PattersonContingency Operating Base Delta, Iraq