Amazing isn’t it? Not only have American citizens and the American government forgotten what America stands for, so have those who award the Nobel Peace Prize.
Let’s go ahead and give health care to everyone. Who cares if they work for it or not? They deserve it, right?
I guess I should divide my retirement up among all those who do not have a pension plan, too.
How about if I take my children’s college fund and give it to parents who were too careless with their money that they now cannot afford to send their kids to college? What else have I worked hard for that I should share with everyone else?
I know I’d better start teaching my children that being the best is wrong as well, or they may be told how shameful it was of them to win by such a large margin. I wonder if that applies to their SAT scores, too. Maybe they shouldn’t do so well because other students didn’t study as hard and their feelings might be hurt when they don’t score as high as those who studied their butts off.
And now we have the Nobel Peace Prize being given to someone who hasn’t done anything.
How come it wasn’t awarded to me? I’ve been talking about peace for years. Oh, and wait a minute, I believe I’ve actually been fighting for peace a little bit longer than President Barack Obama has. What’s it been [for him], nine months now?
Hey, Nobel Peace Prize committee, I’ve been trying to bring peace to Iraq for 37 months. That’s four times longer than Obama.
Well, I guess it’s fitting that he be awarded the prize for nothing; he wants to give away everything that I and every other hard-working American have earned to someone else for nothing. What a joke. Wake up, America!
Sgt. 1st Class William StoneSadr City, Iraq