First and foremost, most hard-working Americans are proud and blessed to have a job right now and don’t feel the need to teach their children that hard work has no rewards ("Nobel: Something for nothing," letter, Oct. 16). Who am I to say what another American is entitled to?
Many thank the thousands who serve with dignity and honor both at home and overseas, and many see their service as honorable and defending democracy, and not done for the sake of a reward.
To the best of my knowledge, President Barack Obama never nominated, voted and declared himself the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
I hope the letter writer’s opinions are not supported and encouraged by his command or reflect the [opinions of] thousands of soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines who [undergo] extended multiple deployments and respect the chain of command and the commander in chief by carrying out their duties. The commander in chief was elected by the majority in the United States and according to the Constitution.
The Nobel Peace Prize is not a joke, nor is what the prize stands for. And no one, except the Nobel Peace Prize committee, should have a say or vote upon who receives the award, whether you agree or disagree. Period.
James JordanCamp Bondsteel, Kosovo