At first glance, Garry Trudeau’s "Doonesbury" comic strip (Feb. 11) depicting two deployed military females discussing unwanted male attention (ogling) while at the dining facility seemed right on target. But then I thought, no, that can’t be.
Males have to walk on eggshells around military females these days due to the constant anti-sexual harassment messages by the military and American Forces Network TV spots. I’m not denying sexual harassment happens or that there is the need for awareness, but the messages have gotten so pervasive that males are afraid to even acknowledge the opposite sex for fear of certain career suicide.
Men have been so emasculated by this unrelenting propaganda that some may even become the type of guy that these very same females would shun in a civilian setting as "too aloof" or "too nice." And you know where nice guys tend to finish.
So no, males aren’t ogling military females in the DFAC as Trudeau depicted in his strip. Sideways glances? Maybe. But that goes both ways.
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Adam Garcia (retired)Camp Taji, Iraq