In response to the Oct. 26 letter "Limbaugh, propaganda machine": Since it seems to be the letter writer’s grand idea to pull Rush Limbaugh from American Forces Network’s broadcast schedule, I propose we also pull Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and all the rest of President Barack Obama’s fan club claiming to be journalists from AFN as well.
This is because of the demoralizing claims that they have based their whole careers on whenever the president happens to be one they don’t approve of — such as before the Iraq "surge," when the situation was at its worst.
While we’re at it, we should also see about electing a new president in 2012, because it’s also very demoralizing when our current commander in chief refuses to do what leaders do and give a forthright, yes-or-no answer to the troop increase request for Afghanistan. I also suggest to better improve morale at the front lines that we vote in a brand-new Congress in 2010 and 2012, since our current Congress wants to ramrod a socialist health care program down the throats of the American public — even though a full two-thirds of said public are either opposed to it outright or, at the very least, unsure of it.
Spc. Chris PoeplCamp Arifjan, Kuwait