I know that American Forces Network claims to show the most-anticipated NFL games of the season, but I am sure I speak on behalf of a lot of people when I say I am sick and dang tired of watching the New England Patriots and Indianapolis Colts.
The light has been on franchise teams like them for too long. I have been in Germany for nearly 10 years and for the past five or six it’s been all Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers, Indy and ... I think you get the point. Fans (like me) who like the Chicago Bears (or other teams that have high hopes for a new season) have to watch the pathetic ticker in the corner of the screen to see how our team fares for that week.
It is going on Week 5 of the NFL season and I have seen only a pair of games for my team, yet every pathetic Patriots game (and every pathetic Indy game) is televised. It disgusts me that AFN officials think, or assume they know, what the viewers want but, to my knowledge, they have never asked the viewer. Yet here it is 1900 hours and I have to watch the Patriots vs. the Baltimore Ravens, or the Seattle Seahawks vs. Indy (no shock there) instead of other games (e.g., Chicago vs. the Detroit Lions or the Cincinnati Bengals vs. the Cleveland Browns) that I am sure I and other viewers have much more interest in watching. If AFN can’t televise other games due to the so-called spotlight, then how about if the network asked the fans [which games they want to see]? Or perhaps AFN could provide a couple of extra channels to cover sports!
Michael SkiscimKaiserslautern, Germany