Regarding the Oct. 13 letter "Policy shift logistically difficult": I agree 100 percent with the letter writer but I think a more important and potentially dangerous question that needs to be addressed is what will be the limit of "asking" and "telling"?
Are we going to start celebrating homosexual awareness month? (We have one for everything else, why discriminate?) Despite what views some may have, there have been contributions to society by homosexuals that are just as important, though less publicly known, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s. Are we going to have the religious zealots screaming about sin constantly now? How are we going to integrate religion and homosexuality? Is there going to be a policy in place similar to the conscientious objector status that allows soldiers to leave the military based on religious views on homosexuality?
We need to focus on the cultural impact this [policy shift, if made] is going to have and how the Army is going to deal with that. We haven’t been able to tackle the racial discrimination issues yet, and it’s been a few decades. Are we ready to add this to it as well?
I have always believed in the policy of "come with solutions, not problems" but, in this case, I can’t see any solutions other than to leave the current "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy in place. Let’s be adults and accept that there are homosexual men and women serving in the military and leave it at that.
It’s not the best policy, but it’s the best we have to chose from.
Staff Sgt. Nick StansberryU.S. Army Garrison Ansbach, Germany