I congratulate the respective writers of "Here are more reasons" (letter, April 15) and "Shift would weaken morale" (letter, April 15) for their criticism of the attempt to repeal "don’t ask, don’t tell." The first writer [noted]: "Our reasoning for right and wrong comes from the Bible." I agree. What’s next?
Will President Barack Obama attempt to steal my God-given right to beat my slaves? According to God, as long as they live for "a day or two" (Exodus 21:20-21), I am good! I bet he’ll try to take my income from selling my daughters as prostitutes! (Exodus 21:7)
Following these two massacres, Obama will allow woman to speak! God clearly states that woman is not to speak for herself (1 Timothy 2:11).
If it weren’t for the deterioration of conservative values and God’s presence in America, Obama would never have been able to do this! Instead, he is spreading this nonsense of equality! All U.S. citizens will not be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obviously, the word "all" does not include the wretched gays.
If you want to use the Bible to demean other U.S. citizens, claim all of it, not just portions. No, we would not want another Matthew Shepard case. I detest the way the writer of "Shift would weaken morale" phrased this, as if Shepard were to blame.
The Department of Defense grants waivers to felons but not gays. To the writer’s statement that homosexuals already have equal rights I respond with: medical visitation, medical decisions, tax filing, firing for being gay (29 states), medical insurance. That is five out of 1,138 federal rights preventing LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) equality.
Until America fully rids itself of institutionalized discrimination, we will continue to be guided by hate.
Spc. Eric WilliamsCamp Liberty, Iraq