Regarding the Oct. 6 letter “Flight suit was best for wings”: I’m sure that there are wounded warriors all over who are outraged over a UH-60 pilot complaining he can’t wear his precious flight suit to showcase his wings. He makes it sound in his letter that Army pilots are a cut above all other soldiers serving their nation. Sure, they go through training that encompasses all facets of the aircraft, and I would hope so! But to write that soldiers receive a Combat Action Badge for seeing a rocket plume is way off target.
I’m going to bet there are soldiers in hospital beds all over who would dearly love to write this letter and can’t because they haven’t been fitted for their prosthetic limb yet. There are soldiers who are standing guard around the very fence the young pilot sleeps in comfort behind every night who would like to write, but at the moment they are keeping him and his precious flight suit safe. He‘d better hope that those men and women are as dedicated to their jobs as he is to his.
One day — and honestly, I hope it never happens — his helo may hit the ground and when a young soldier risks his or her life to go and fetch him, I’m sure the soldier couldn’t care less whether he’s wearing he’s precious flight suit or not, all he or she cares about is getting him home alive. There are thousands of soldiers who are just as dedicated as he is — whether they’re cooking his chow, servicing his aircraft or making sure he gets paid, they all took the same oath he did. For him to say that he is better than the rest is just wrong.
Jim BraultGarmisch, Germany