I guess morality should be out of the debate [on gays in the military], right?
I stand firm on my convictions regardless of liberals who have lowered morals/values and follow what society says is right. It is my obligation as a leader, Christian, husband and father to live a life of integrity and point out that homosexuality should not be allowed openly in the military.
Readiness will not be affected [if "don’t ask, don’t tell" remains the policy]; there is always someone who will step up and fill a gap. No one is irreplaceable.
Homosexuality is deviant behavior between two men or women behind closed doors. If being gay is right, why isn’t everyone?
It takes a man and a woman to procreate. Biology 101.
[I also stand firm] regardless of a separation of church and state, which is a thin line since the "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag" and prayer are still very much a part of government. Does "In God We Trust" and "One Nation Under God" sound familiar?
Society wants to tell the military how to operate. Fine, pick up a rifle and stand next to me.
Only servicemembers should vote for the repeal [of "don’t ask, don’t tell"]. It is the military [affected by the] policy, not civilians. Stop putting words in our mouths about change. Whatever happens, happens. We will deal with the economic disaster it will create. If gays are allowed to serve openly, they/their partners will rate full benefits.
I and my family deserve the right not to live, shower, or be subjected to the homosexual lifestyle. Question: If an unmarried servicemember has a child, shouldn’t the other parent rate benefits?
What bonds them is not a civil union. Creation does.
Why not focus on something that seriously affects servicemembers and their ability to provide for their families, like the failure of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Homeowners Assistance Program for military families affected by the mortgage crisis?
Warrant Officer Marcus TannerForward Operating Base Delhi, Afghanistan