
American and Iraqi officials are negotiating exemptions from the June 30 deadline for all U.S. combat troops to be out of Iraqi cities.

According to U.S. military officials, the exceptions to the timeline — agreed upon in the security agreement signed late last year — would focus on Mosul and certain parts of Baghdad. The details were reportedly part of Monday’s scheduled meeting of top U.S. and Iraqi leaders on how to carry out the security agreement.

"Mosul is the one area where you may see U.S. combat forces operating in the city" after July 1, Maj. Gen. David Perkins, the top American spokesman in Iraq, was quoted as telling The New York Times.

"For al-Qaida to win, they have to take Baghdad. To survive they have to hold on to Mosul," he said, according to the Times. "Mosul is sort of their last area where they have some maybe at least passive support."

While several large urban bases — including Forward Operating Base Rustamiyah in eastern Baghdad — have been handed back to the Iraqis, there are no plans to shut down Victory Base Complex, Forward Operating Base Falcon in southern Baghdad, or Camp Prosperity in the Green Zone.

Victory, which consists of five bases and is home to more than 20,000 U.S. troops, includes the coalition headquarters in the Al Faw Palace. Though technically within Baghdad’s city limits, Iraqi officials consider it outside of the city.

Troops at Camp Prosperity are needed as quick-reaction forces and to guard the new U.S. Embassy, officials have said.

The final approval for any exemptions must be made by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He is to decide on recommendations made by the Joint Military Operations Coordinating Committee, which includes U.S. commander Gen. Ray Odierno and the Iraqi defense minister, among others.

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