COVER STORYWhat does 'moving on' mean?Kristy Pickett sat in front of the camera, willing herself not to cry. She was a new widow, having learned just days before that her husband, Tyler, had been killed in Iraq. Which meant she wasn’t the family member of an active-duty soldier any longer. Which meant the Army required a new identification card. • Story
A family struggles to secure care for their sick childAfter fighting for more than a year in Iraq, Sgt. Chris Bartels found himself in another battle after he came home. This time, it was with the Army. • Story
Single dad looking for a way to provide a home for his sonThe suicide bombings and improvised explosive devices, Pfc. Philip Vance could handle. But being the sole parent of a 3-year-old boy? That proved much more difficult, as he thought it might. • Story
The Holmeses: Independence discoveredStephanie Holmes, 21, made a list of things she did while her new husband, 1st Lt. Chris Holmes, was serving his first deployment in Iraq. The list — and the changes in her over the past 15 months it represents — amazes even her. •Story
For the wounded, one last missionSome soldiers are returning to the places where they were wounded in Iraq under a program that aims to speed their recovery and close a painful chapter in their lives. • Story
Team unearths Roman artifacts at Army construction siteA team of archaeology students and experts believe they have unearthed remnants of a Roman settlement from the second or third century near the construction site of an Army housing project, but the discovery isn’t expected to affect the project. • Story
Spouse CallsA weekly column in Stripes' Scene magazine by Terri Barnes, a military wife and mother of three who lives and writes in Germany. • This week's column • Terri Barnes' blog
About the U.S. editionFor the first time since the Civil War, Stars and Stripes is returning stateside. The U.S. edition, available to local newspapers as a supplement, features some of the best content from the week’s daily overseas editions ... the top military stories from several news bureaus within Stars and Stripes’ three theaters — Europe, Pacific and Middle East — as well as coverage of military issues from the Pentagon and Capitol Hill.
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