This is the weekend that Europe switches to Daylight Saving Time. Don’t forget to set your clock ahead one hour Saturday night before you go to bed or you’ll be late to your favorite volksmarch Sunday! You’ll get your hour back Sunday, Oct. 30.• This weekend’s volksmarch in Bodelshausen is a Stammtisch walk for the Stuttgart club. Look for their blue flag at the start hall and go up and say “Hi.” Saturday’s start window is between noon and 4 p.m. Sunday’s start is between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m.• We have heard that the walk in Kirn-Sulzbach, Germany, has some pretty big hills. If you are looking for a challenging walk, this one might be for you.• The Belgian walk in Montzen is close to the American Cemetery at Henri-Chapelle. While in the area, stop and pay your respects to the Americans who died in the liberation of Europe.• On the less serious side, there is the Walk of the Smurfs in Hermalle-Sous-Huy, Belgium. Sounds like a good walk if you are a fan of the little blue guys.• Clark Soeldner, our expert on Italian walks, tells us the start for the Vicenza event is near the middle school, which is a short distance from the train station. The flier says the 6- and 12-kilometer routes are flat, while the 21-kilometer course is in the hills.• Clark also tells us that Sotto il Monte is the birthplace of Pope John XXIII. After the walk, visit the second floor of the church to see some of his mementoes. • Wednesday’s walk in St. Julian, Germany, is convenient for those in the KMC and Baumholder communities. You can start the 5- and 10-kilometer trails until 6 p.m., so you can still make it after work. You must be finished by 8 p.m. This year, the walk is for IVV credit only.• It’s not too late to plan your trip to Lisse, Netherlands, for its walk April 10. Your start card will allow you to enter the world-famous Keukenhof Botanical Gardens. Keukenhof is one of the most beautiful gardens anywhere. Here is a chance to beat the crowds and avoid the entrance fee later in the spring. For more information about this year’s activities at Keukenhof Botanical Gardens, which opens to the public today, visit • The Kiddie Volksmarch 2011 is sponsored by the Heidelberg International Wandering Club and will take place Saturday, April 30, at Patrick Henry Village. It does not provide IVV credit, but is meant to introduce younger walkers to volksmarching. The club is looking for donations of child-appropriate prizes to award each child that participates. While you are doing your spring cleaning, if you find any old prizes you would like to donate, or if you would like to volunteer or participate with your child, contact Rob Floyd at The Ramstein Roadrunners’ 35th Annual Walk will be held May 7 and 8, starting at the Mehrzweckhalle in Miesenbach, Germany. This year, there are new trails and more neat prizes. The main prize is a glass with a Ramstein Roadrunner etched onto it. They will also have B-medal edelweiss scarves available as long as quantities last. Mark your calendars now for this outstanding walk. There is still plenty of time to volunteer to work at this event; contact Brad Crandall at (+49) (0)6374-80079. Get more information and sign up to volunteer at The group also has a Facebook page. • “Merci” to the following people whose contributions of flyers made this week’s column possible: William Castro and Maureen McHugh-Castro, Cath and Rob Floyd, Bob Gambert, Richard and Donna Glenn, John and Evelyn Golembe, Wayne Henry, John, Mary and Tess Laub, Tim and Luchi Lynch, “Pat” and Cheryl Patterson and Rick and Wanda Sciascia.E-mail volksmarch information to Mail brochures to Bob and Lorraine Huffaker, CMR 460, Box 278, APO, AE, 09752.