CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — The Marine Corps said it will consolidate all installation staff in the Pacific region under a single command located on Okinawa this week.
The newly created Marine Corps Installations Pacific Headquarters will bring facilities throughout Japan, South Korea and Hawaii under the command of Maj. Gen. Peter Talleri, who has been the commanding general of Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler on Okinawa since 2010.
On Friday, the headquarters will replace Marine Corps Bases Japan, which is being deactivated, and will operate out of the former command’s space in Building One on Camp Foster, according to Marine Corps public affairs on Okinawa.
The Marine Corps said the change was made to streamline management and oversight of its regional facilities. It will affect bases on Okinawa; Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni and Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji on mainland Japan; Marine Corps Base Hawaii and Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe; and Camp Mujuk in South Korea.
An activation ceremony is slated for 3 p.m. Friday on Building One on Camp Foster.
From staff reports