Poppy Wall honors the fallen at National Mall

The USAA Poppy Wall of Honor — a temporary installation honoring the more than 600,000 American service members who gave their lives in service to the nation since World War I — is back at the National Mall in Washington for Memorial Day weekend.

What’s to become of the keepsakes left at Arlington Cemetery?

Arlington National Cemetery has amassed thousands of mementos left in Section 60 on the graves of post-9/11 war dead. The collection needs a new home.

‘All I can do is wait’: Deadline looms for veterans who became sick from atomic bomb tests, cleanups and were denied benefits

The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act offers an apology and monetary compensation to individuals who contracted certain cancers and other serious diseases from exposure to radiation from above-ground nuclear weapons tests. But time is running out for veterans to file for compensation.

Remembering a ‘Band of Brothers’ leader on D-Day’s 80th anniversary

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Stars and Stripes is sharing the World War II Foundation documentary ‘Dick Winters: Hang Tough.’

Remains of Merrill’s Marauder identified 80 years after death in Burma

On the morning of May 14, Nathan “Woody” Bagley received a call that left the 80-year-old speechless. The remains of his father, missing since 1944 when he was killed in Burma while serving in the famed Merrill’s Marauders, had been found and identified.

Ceremony marks 20th anniversary of National World War II Memorial

When the National World War II Memorial was dedicated 20 years ago, hundreds of members of the “Greatest Generation” roamed the National Mall. Saturday morning, the toll of time was evident as six World War II veterans were on hand to mark the anniversary.

Biden highlights US commitment to Israel, Ukraine, Indo-Pacific in West Point speech

U.S. President Biden delivered the commencement speech on Saturday at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, amid conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

Congress appoints Army veteran Thomas Austin as new Architect of the Capitol

Retired Army Col. Thomas Austin, the former director of engineering at Arlington National Cemetery, has been named the new Architect of the Capitol and will assume the role June 24, the congressional commission tasked with filling the position announced Wednesday.

School teacher, Army vet remembered as the ‘jolly uncle’ at school in South Korea

School parents and colleagues of Eric Chipps gathered at Camp Humphreys to remember the elementary school teacher.

Wreck of America’s most lethal World War II sub found near the Philippines

An organization on a quest to find and memorialize all 52 U.S. submarines lost during World War II has located the wreck of the USS Harder, a sub credited with sinking the most enemy warships during the war.

Wreck of famed P-38 fighter flown by America’s top ace found in Papua New Guinea

One of the U.S. military’s most famous planes has finally been located. The wreck of a P-38 fighter flown by Capt. Richard I. Bong, America’s all-time top flying ace, was found last week, 80 years after it crashed in the jungles of Papua New Guinea.

‘They thought he was never coming back’: Allentown WWII vet whose remains were recently identified to be buried Saturday

Earl Seibert died July 27, 1942, at the Cabanatuan POW Camp 1, where more than 2,500 POWs died during the war. On Saturday, May 25, 2024, Seibert finally will be laid to rest in his hometown, with full military honors.

Veterans became eligible for billions; these firms saw a chance to profit

Despite a federal law that prohibits charging veterans for help in applying for disability benefits, for-profit companies are making millions.

‘Preserve their legacy’: Old Guard places flags on graves of fallen service members at Arlington for Memorial Day

Members of the Army’s oldest active-infantry unit placed flags at the graves of those buried at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday morning before Memorial Day weekend.

Vote to strip vets of our rights to seek help in filing claims? We’ll vote you out of office.

Millions served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thousands were injured. Five survived quadruple amputee injuries. I was one. 

Georgia WWII veteran’s secret to longevity is healthy living and a positive attitude

During World War II, as Eugene Russo lay in foxholes, he would pray for God to let him live just one more day. At 100 years old, that is still his prayer.

VA awards 1 million claims for health benefits for toxic exposure through PACT Act

The delivery of benefits to veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxins from military service reached a milestone, with the Department of Veterans Affairs announcing 1 million claims totaling $5.7 billion have been awarded to former service members.

Irreverent Warriors hike to help comrades and fight their greatest enemy: suicide

For the fourth annual Irreverent Warriors Pittsburgh Silkies Hike, about 140 veterans and currently enlisted military personnel mounted an 8-mile jaunt. The event promotes camaraderie and fun while fighting veteran suicide.

Memorial service to honor Army vet who taught at DODEA schools in South Korea, Japan, Germany

A memorial service for Humphreys West Elementary School teacher and Army veteran Eric Chipps is scheduled this week at the home of U.S. Forces Korea.