If you're looking for a walk near the Kaiserslautern Military Community, the event in Lambsborn, Germany, is for you. Located west of Landstuhl, Lambsborn has trails of six, 10 and 20 kilometers starting at 7 a.m. The club has a shuttle from the designated parking area to the start hall. This walk is for IVV credit only.
If you attend the walk in Philippstein, Germany, this weekend, make sure to see the beautiful castle in the nearby town of Braunfels. In the past, the route has taken us past the castle. You can start walking both days at 6 a.m.
Saturday, we will be off to Arnhem, Netherlands, to meet the Heidelberg International Wandering Club (HIWC). Sunday morning we will join them for the walk in the nearby town of Loenen. We're looking forward to this rendezvous with a fun bunch of walkers.
Speaking of the HIWC, there is plenty of time to sign up to help at its volksmarch Sept. 8-9. There is no such thing as too much help when you hold a walk of this size. Why not plan to walk on one day and volunteer to work on the other? For more information about volunteering, contact hiwc@yahoo.com or see www.hiwc.de.
If we weren't committed to Arnhem this weekend, we would be going to the walk in Eben-Emael, Belgium. This is a fun walk that usually takes you past the fortress. On May 10, 1940, German glider-borne engineers landed on top of the fortress and, using newly developed shape charges, captured the fortress in a few hours. This action contributed to the blitzkrieg across Belgium and into France. The fortress has been renovated and is open for public visits. For information, go to http://fort-eben-emael.be and select English.
Monday's walk in St. Odiliënberg, Netherlands, is the last event in a 13-week series. Start between 4:30 and 7 p.m.
Mark your calendarsHere are more walks to add to your calendars:
• Oct. 3, Trier, Germany. This event takes you through the oldest city in Germany and past its historic sights. The prize is an old Roman coin. It has been a few years since the walk has gone through town. Usually the trails take you through the hills around the city. We are glad to see that walkers again have the opportunity to go through the city.
• Dec. 9, Ruhlkirchen, Germany. After the walk, make sure to visit the town's Christmas market. This is the second walk we have seen so far that is associated with a Christmas market. The other one is Dec. 22 in Luxembourg city. Mark your calendars now so you can plan for these events.
After-action reportOn Aug. 8, we went to the Stromberg, Germany, area to complete three IVV events in one day. We did this event two years ago and enjoyed it so much we thought we would try it again. The start times were staggered so it was easy to start the walks on time. The host club also had directional arrows pointing to the next start hall, which was a blessing. It was a good morning for walking and the trails were well marked.
Getting three IVV stamps in one day is a treat, but what made the day special was running into some good walking friends. As we were resting after the second event, we saw Dennis Betz and Bob Gambert from Stuttgart. As we were talking, up walked "Pat" and Cheryl Patterson and joined us in the conversation. Then we met Silas Smith, a friend of both the Pattersons and Bob Gambert.
It was nice seeing these avid walkers and listening to their stories and plans. Dennis and Bob told us about the very successful Stuttgart walk a few weeks earlier. The Pattersons were taking off the next day to go to Finland for a three-day walking event.
The time for us to go our separate ways came way too fast, but we loved the chance meeting.
E-mail volksmarch information to two.walkers@yahoo.com. Mail brochures to Bob and Lorraine Huffaker, CMR 460, Box 278, APO,