Wine is fine, and festivals of the grape earn plenty of ink on our pages. But sometimes a hot day calls for a cold beer.
Suds take center stage at a Bierbörse, a traveling event that makes its way to cities throughout Germany during the summer and early autumn.
A Bierbörse celebrates all facets of beer, from the art of brewing to sampling, serving and collecting beer-related paraphernalia. It offers tastings and a chance to buy bottles to take home. The atmosphere is welcoming and fun, and the accompanying music ranges from traditional to heavy rock. Young people are welcome, but they shouldn’t expect relaxed rules of consumption here.
Some of the dates and places of a Bierbörse near you include:
• Leverkusen-Opladen, Schusterinsel, Aug. 10-13.
• Cologne, Innenstadt, MediaPark, Aug. 24-26.
• Karlsruhe, Innenstadt and Schlossgarten, Aug. 31-Sept. 2.
• Mannheim, Alter Messplatz, Sept. 7-9.