
The northern Italian city of Turin is a gourmet’s delight any time of year, but never more so than when the Salone del Gusto comes to town.

Through Monday, head to the city’s Lingotto Fiere to sample culinary specialties and beverages from not only Italy but also the far corners of the planet. Visitors can meet chefs, artisans and other players in the food industry; participate in tasting workshops; and learn more about the origins of the food that graces their plates. Master of Food courses, offered with English translation, cover topics such as cooking without waste and planning and designing a vegetable garden. The 2012 event is significant because, for the first time, the Terra Madre movement gains full partner status in the program. Terra Madre recognizes the agricultural workers whose labor feeds a planet. The salon’s slogan this year is “Foods that Change the World,” with the aim of convincing visitors that they can affect positive changes on their health, the environment and the systems of production without giving up food as a source of pleasure. The salon is an initiative of the nonprofit Slow Food association, which supports the small-scale, sustainable production of quality foods. Admission at the door to this biennial event costs 20 euros for adults and 12 euros for those ages 11 to 18 and 65 and older. Master of Food courses cost an additional 10 to 20 euros. Advance registration is necessary. Plan your day by visiting

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