Europe hums with activity in all seasons. compiled this list of some events on the docket as of Dec. 19, 2012.
AustriaVIENNA: Le Grand Bal, greeting the New Year in the imperial residence, tickets necessary, Dec. 31.
NASSFELD: Schlag das Ass-Nassfield trophy, cross country skiing along a 25.6-km route is billed as “the world’s longest ski race,” Jan. 11-12.
FILZMOOS: International Hot Air Balloon Week, Jan. 12-19; Night of the Balloons, balloons alight and synchonized to music, Jan. 13.
KITZBÜHEL: Snow Arena Polo World Cup, Jan. 17-20.
VIENNA: Ball Season, upcoming balls include Pharmacists’ Ball in the Imperial Palace Jan. 19; The Vienna Philharmonic Ball in the Musikverein Jan. 24 and Hunters’ Ball in the Imperial Palace Jan. 28.
BelgiumBRUGGE: Snow and Ice Sculpture Festival, theme is “Ice Magic,” admission charged, through Jan. 6.
MODAVE CASTLE: Christmas around the World, decorated rooms of castle portray international Christmas traditions, through Jan. 6.
LIÈGE: Festival of the European Circus, through Jan. 7.
BRUSSELS: New Year fireworks display, Albertine Park, Mont des Arts, Dec. 31.
BRUSSELS: European Motor Show, expo of light commercial and recreational vehicles and motorcycles, tickets necessary, Jan. 11-20.
LIÈGE: Festival of Liege, highlights theater, dance and music, Jan. 18-Feb. 9.
BRUSSELS: BRAFA, Brussels Fine Arts and Antiques Fair, Tour & Taxis, tickets necessary, Jan. 19-27.
LIÈGE: Les Transardentes, winter festival celebrates electronic music, tickets necessary, Jan. 26.
Czech RepublicPRAGUE: A Touch of Czech Music, international classical music festival, various venues, tickets necessary, through Jan. 6.
PRAGUE: OPERA2013, Festival of Music Theater, National Theater and other venues, tickets necessary, Jan. 3-Feb. 3.
PRAGUE: Procession of Three Magi on Camels, Epiphany pageant, 3:30 p.m., Jan. 5.
DenmarkRIBE: Holiday celebrations in Denmark’s oldest city, through Dec. 23.
AARHUS: Christmas in Den Gamle By (Old Town), tickets required, through Dec. 30.
COPENHAGEN: Tivoli open for Christmas; theme is “Russian Christmas meets Nordic Christmas, through Dec. 31.
COPENHAGEN: Swimming in the harbor, swimmers brave cold waters to welcome the New Year, Islands Brygge, plunge takes place at noon on Dec. 31.
COPENHAGEN: New Year’s Eve at Town Hall Square, crowds gather to welcome 2013, Dec. 31.
AALBORG: Northern Winter Beat Festival, 30 concerts in 3 days, tickets necessary, Jan. 24-26.
COPENHAGEN: Fashion Festival, with shows, parties and concerts, various sites, Jan. 30-Feb. 3.
EnglandLONDON: The London International Horse Show, tickets necessary, Olympia, through Dec. 23.
LONDON: Christmas Lights on Oxford Street, through Jan. 6.
LONDON: Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, through Jan. 6.
BRIGHTON: Burning the Clocks, solstice celebration and lantern parade, Dec. 21.
SALISBURY: Stonehenge Winter Solstice Celebrations, Dec. 21.
LONDON: Peter Pan Christmas Day Race, swimming in Hyde Park’s Serpentine, only club members are allowed to swim, 9 a.m. Dec. 25.
LONDON: New Year’s Eve celebrations, crowds gather at Trafalgar Square, the London Eye and other venues, Dec. 31.
LONDON: New Year’s Day Parade, begins 11:45 a.m. from Piccadilly and finishes around 3 p.m. at Parliament Street, Jan. 1.
LONDON: Twelfth Night Celebrations, seasonal celebration mixing old and new traditions, Bankside area, Jan. 6.
LONDON: London Art Fair, Business Design Center, Islington, tickets necessary, Jan. 16-20.
FrancePARIS: Ice skating at the Grand Palais, France’s largest temporary indoor ice rink, Nef du Grand Palais, through Jan. 11.
COURCHEVEL: Orlinski 1850, contemporary sculptures by Richard Orlinski displayed on the mountain slopes, through April 26.
PARIS: winter sales, Jan. 9-Feb. 12.
PARIS: New Art Fair, contemporary art fair, Espace Cardin, Jan. 11-13.
GermanyGENGENBACH: Advent calendar, one of world’s largest, new window in city hall building opens daily at 6 p.m., through Dec. 23.
MONSCHAU-HÖFEN: Living Nativity scene, weekends only, through Dec. 23.
MUNICH: Tollwood Winter Festival, through Dec. 31.
STUTTGART: World Christmas Circus, with many international acts, Cannstatter Wasen, tickets required, through Jan 6.
STUTTGART: End of the World party, Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium, tickets required, Dec. 21.
BERLIN: Louis-Lewandowski-Festival,international festival of synagogue music, Dec. 21-23.
MUNICH: Krampus runs, frightening masked figures visit the Christkindlmarkt, 4 p.m. at the Marienplatz, Dec. 23.
TRIBERG: Christmas Magic, illuminated waterfall and special events program in the Black Forest, Dec. 25-30.
ST. MÄRGEN: Pferdeschlittenrennen, horse sleigh racing in the Black Forest, Dec. 30.
BERLIN: New Year’s Eve festival at the Brandenburger Tor, considered to be the world’s largest organized New Year’s Eve party, Dec. 31.
BERLIN: Fashion Week, Jan. 15-20.
BERLIN: 5th JapanFestival Berlin 2013, tickets necessary, Urania, Jan. 19-20.
HungaryBUDAPEST: Christmas fair, Vörösmarty Square, through Dec. 30.
IrelandWATERFORD: Winterval, holiday celebrations, includes market, Santa’s grotto, skating rink, more, through Dec. 23.
DUBLIN: Christmas Day Swim, plunging into the frigid waters of the Irish Sea, The Forty Foot, Sandy Cove, Dec. 25.
DUBLIN: New Year’s celebrations, highlights include the People’s Procession of Light, an illuminated parade departing from College Green at 7 p.m. en route to St. Stephen’s Green for fireworks at 8 p.m. Dec. 31.
PORTMAGEE: New Year’s Eve Festival, offers a re-enactment of old customs including a street parade of flaming turf torches, Dec. 31.
DUBLIN: Tradfest, celebration of traditional Irish music and culture in Temple Bar area of city, Jan. 22-27.
ItalyCERVINIA: Fiaccolata, torchlit procession, starts 9 p.m. Dec. 30.
GENOVA: Circumnavigando Festival, international festival of theater and circus takes place in public places throughout city, Dec. 22-Jan. 6.
URBANIA: National fest of Befana, Jan. 2-6.
VENICE: Regata della Befana, men dressed as witches race gondolas to giant stocking hanging from Rialto Bridge, Canal Grande, 11 a.m. Jan. 6.
ROME: Festa della Befana, Piazza Navone, Jan. 6.
LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG CITY: Winterlights, festival of lights and animation with markets, street entertainment and shows, through Jan. 5.
MonacoMONTE CARLO: International Circus Festival, Jan. 17-27.
NetherlandsMAASTRICHT: Winterland, with skating rink, live music, more, through Jan. 8.
AMSTERDAM: Light Festival, through Jan. 20; includes illuminated artworks along a walking route, through Dec. 30.
AMSTERDAM: Tangomagia, festival of Argentinian tango, Dec. 26-30.
SCHEVENINGEN: New Year’s Dive, swimmers take a plunge into the sea at noon, Jan 1.
AMSTERDAM: Amsterdam Fashion Week, includes many events open to public in city’s downtown area, Jan. 18-27.
ROTTERDAM: International Film Festival Rotterdam, Jan. 25-Feb. 3.
ScotlandKIRKWALL: Orkney Ba’ Game, two teams compete for possession of a cork-filled ball, Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.
EDINBURGH: Hogmanay, New Year’s celebrations include torchlit procession, an outdoor ceilidh and street parties, Dec. 30-Jan. 1.
STONEHAVEN: Fireballs Festival, fireballs create a light display along the High Street to welcome the New Year, Dec. 31.
BURGHEAD: Burning of the Clavie, fire festival, Jan. 11.
SpainMADRID: Madrid Horse Week Banco Sabadell, Feria de Madrid, through Dec. 23.
LEON: International Magic Festival, Dec. 26-29.
MADRID: New Year’s Celebrations, Puerta del Sol, Dec. 31.
ALCOY: Three King’s Parade, Jan. 5.
SILIO: La Vijanera Festival, carnival-style festival in Cantrabria, Jan. 6.
ARAGON: Pirena, cross-mountain sled-dog racing challenge across the Pyrenees, Jan. 19-Feb. 2.
SANTIPONCE: Italica International Cross-Country, foot race takes place among the ruins of a Roman city outside Seville, Jan. 20.
SwitzerlandDAVOS: Songbird Festival, singer and songwriter festival, through Dec. 22.
LAUSANNE: Festival Lausanne Lumières, artistic installations incorporating light as a design element, through Jan. 2.
GRINDELWALD: World Snow Festival, snow sculptures, Jan. 21-26.