Berlin celebrates its multicultural profile through Monday with the Carnival of Cultures, which typically attracts more than a million revelers to Germany’s capital.
The idea of a carnival highlighting Berlin’s diversity dates to 1995, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall and reunification, a time of rapid social, economic and cultural changes that resulted in a sometimes prejudiced view of immigration. The carnival remains relevant today as it continues to bring together people of different ages and walks of life.
A program highlight will be the parade on Pentecost Sunday, in which nearly 5,000 participants set off from Hermannplatz at 12:30 p.m. and arrive at Yorckstrasse at about 8:30 p.m.
The street festival in the city’s Blücherplatz in the Kreuzberg district will feature acrobats, magicians and local and international bands. Roughly 300 market stalls will offer arts and crafts and snacks from around the world.
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