Three Army officers with Fort Bragg ties have been nominated for promotion to brigadier general.
The Pentagon announced the nominations Thursday. They must still be approved by Congress.
According to a release, the officers are Col. James T. Iacocca, Col. Daniel G. Mitchell and Col. Kurt L. Sonntag.
Sonntag is the only one of the three currently assigned to Fort Bragg. He is chief of staff for Army Special Operations Command.
Iacocca and Mitchell are not strangers to Fort Bragg.
Iacocca is deputy commander of Army Recruiting Command at Fort Knox, Ky., but he previously served with several Fort Bragg units, including the 82nd Airborne Division, which was his first assignment.
Iacocca served as the assistant readiness officer, G1 plans officer, replacement detachment commander and division readiness officer and deployed with the 82nd to Operation Desert Shield and for disaster relief in South Florida following Hurricane Andrew.
He later served as adjutant and headquarters troop commander for 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta, more commonly known as Delta Force, also at Fort Bragg and has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iacocca then rejoined the 82nd Airborne Division and commanded the 82nd Paratrooper Support Battalion when it transitioned to become the 4th Brigade Special Troops Battalion.
Mitchell is deputy commander of Army Sustainment Command at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill.
He previously served as maintenance officer for the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg.