
The Obama administration is considering nominating retired Lt. Gen.
Douglas Lute as the next commander of the U.S. European Command,
according to a Washington Post story.

As the administration's unofficial war czar, Lute coordinates policy on 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, a role he filled under President George W. 
Bush as well. Both administrations have praised him for his loyalty and 
his willingness to take on the Pentagon, according to the Post.

The current U.S. commander in Europe, Adm. James Stavridis, is set to
 step down this summer, and Pentagon officials said Lute is a top 
candidate, his retirement notwithstanding, the article said.

Bringing a general out of retirement to fill a four-star billet could be 
unpopular with current, active-duty generals who may see it as a lack of
 confidence in their ability to lead, according to the Post.

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