The 9th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Hanning, the senior enlisted airman in Iraq, talks about what it means to be a part of the last U.S. Air Force flight out of Iraq. "The fact that I'm getting all of my airmen out of Iraq, it's a pretty damn big deal," said Hanning. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
The 9th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Hanning, the senior enlisted airman in Iraq, talks about what it means to be a part of the last U.S. Air Force flight out of Iraq. "The fact that I'm getting all of my airmen out of Iraq, it's a pretty damn big deal," said Hanning. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Maj. Gen. Russell Handy, the senior U.S. Air Force officer in Iraq, shakes the hands of the last airmen to leave Iraq at Ali Air Base, Tallil, Iraq. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Rock, who directed the Iraqi Training and Advisory Mission, speaks to the last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq from the 407th Air Expeditionary Group at Ali Air Base, Tallil, Iraq. "It's like these airmen just conducted D-day in reverse," Maj. Gen. Rock said. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Rock, who directed the Iraqi Training and Advisory Mission, hands coins to the last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq at Ali Air Base, Tallil, Iraq. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Master Sgt. Margaret Williams, one of the last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq, tidies her office at Ali Air Base in Tallil, Iraq, for the last time. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Command Chief Master Sergeant for the 321st Air Expeditionary Wing Jerry Delebreau, center, visits with Airman 1st Class Chase Bowser, left, and Staff Sgt. Sidney Davis at Ali Air Base, Tallil, moments before leaving Iraq as the last U.S. airmen to go. "It's a surreal day," Staff Sgt. Davis said. "It still doesn't feel like it's over." (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Airman 1st Class Simeon Tidwell, who started playing guitar this deployment, is one of the last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
Maj. Gen. Russell Handy, the senior U.S. Air Force officer in Iraq, Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Hanning, the senior enlisted airman in Iraq, Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Rock, who directed the Iraqi Training and Advisory Mission, and the 321st Air Expeditionary Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Jerry Delebreau, shake the hands of the last airmen to leave Iraq as they board a C-17 Globemaster at Ali Air Base, Tallil, Iraq. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
The last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq are greeted by the Air Force leadership in Iraq before boarding a C-17 Globemaster at Ali Air Base, Tallil, Iraq and beginning their journey home. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
The last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq as well as some of the last U.S. soldiers to leave Iraq begin their journey home onboard a C-17 Globemaster heading for Kuwait. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
From left to right, Maj. Gen. Russell Handy, the senior U.S. Air Force representative in Iraq, Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Hanning, the senior enlisted U.S. Air Force representative in Iraq, Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Rock, who directed the Iraqi Training and Advisory Mission, and the 321st Air Expeditionary Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Jerry Delebreau, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander Col. Ted Mathews and 407th Command Chief Master Sgt. Sidney Penner, set-up to shake the hands of the last U.S. Airmen to leave Iraq as they deplane a C-17 Globemaster Kuwait. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
From left to right, Maj. Gen. Russell Handy, the senior U.S. Air Force officer in Iraq, Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Hanning, the senior enlisted airman in Iraq, Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Rock, who directed the the Iaqi Training and Advisory Mission, and 321st Air Expeditionary Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Jerry Delebreau, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander Col. Ted Mathews and the 407th Command Chief Master Sgt. Sidney Penner, shake the hands of the last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq as they deplane a C-17 Globemaster Kuwait. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
From left to right, Maj. Gen. Russell Handy, the senior U.S. Air Force officer in Iraq, Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Hanning, the senior enlisted airman in Iraq, Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Rock, who directed the Iraqi Training and Advisory Mission, and the 321st Air Expeditionary Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Jerry Delebreau, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander Col. Ted Mathews and the 407th Command Chief Master Sgt. Sidney Penner, shake the hands of the last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq as they deplane a C-17 Globemaster Kuwait. (Joshua L. DeMotts/Stars and Stripes)
The last U.S. airmen to leave Iraq boarded a C-17 Globemaster Saturday night at Ali Air Base in Tallil, Iraq, some 200 miles southeast of Baghdad. The airmen and some U.S. soldiers shook hands with senior leaders as they boarded the plane.
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