Pilot programs in the Army’s “Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications” project will be conducted at:
• The Army’s Evaluation Task Force, 5th Brigade, 1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss, Texas, where 200 smart phones will go to a company-sized unit to test field applications such as helping identify friend or foe.
• Initial Military Training schools, including at the Military Police Basic Officers Leadership Course and the Engineer One-Station Unit Training, both at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. The MP course, for example, would test using the phones for collecting evidence and accessing training schedules.
• Patriot Launcher Crewman Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sill, Okla.
• The FA53 Officer Information Systems Managers course at Fort Gordon, Ga., will develop university courses on mobile applications development for soldiers.
Source: Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications overview
Here are some apps that may be developed:
• Self-paced individual training
• Distance learning
• Cultural training
• Two-way speech and text translations
• Issuing and storing TDY and PCS orders
• Medical and dental appointment scheduling
• Generating electronic sick slips
Source: “Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications” overview