NATO approves a plan to speed security aid and training to Ukraine’s beleaguered armed forces

NATO defense ministers on Friday approved a plan to provide reliable long-term security aid and military training for Ukraine after delays in Western deliveries of funds, arms and ammunition helped invading Russian forces to seize the initiative on the battlefield.

Navy adopting ‘startup approach’ to fielding new technology in Europe and Africa

US Navy officials met with allies and partners in Portugal this week to discuss common standards for drones and emerging technology.

Peace summit for Ukraine opens in Switzerland, but Russia won’t be taking part

Switzerland will host scores of world leaders this weekend to try to map out first steps toward peace in Ukraine. Russia, which launched and is continuing the war, won’t take part.

Spain and Turkey call on the international community to act to stop the war in Gaza

Spain and Turkey called on the international community Thursday to stop “looking the other way” and press for the end of Israel’s attack on Gaza to crush Hamas, following a bilateral summit focused on strengthening economic cooperation between the Mediterranean countries.

Rafferty takes over US Army’s top artillery command in Europe

Maj. Gen. John Rafferty took the reins of the 56th Artillery Command from Maj. Gen. Andrew Gainey in a ceremony at Clay Kaserne. The Army revived the command in 2021 in response to Russian maneuvers along NATO’s eastern flank.

US soldier who wrote of dad’s WWII exploits winds down own career on same ground

The last known active-duty soldier to have a father who fought in World War II is retiring, but not before he takes one last step to keep the memory of the Greatest Generation alive.

US reporter Evan Gershkovich, jailed in Russia on espionage charges, to stand trial, officials say

Russian officials say U.S. reporter Evan Gershkovich, jailed in Russia for over a year on espionage charges, will stand trial in the city of Yekaterinburg. The Wall Street Journal Reporter is accused of spying for the CIA. Officials gave no evidence to back up the accusation

Biden and Zelenskyy sign security deal as Ukraine’s leader questions how long unity will last

President Joe Biden and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a 10-year security agreement Thursday that they hailed as a milestone in relations between their countries, but that alone was not enough to stop Zelenskyy from wondering how much longer he could count on America’s support.

An account of Jesus as a boy is decoded from an ancient papyrus scrap

The 1,600-year-old manuscript had sat unnoticed for decades at a German university. Experts say it may be the oldest written document detailing Jesus’ childhood.

Military banking change leads to tax-free purchasing hassles for US personnel in Italy

Community Bank procedures are now making military families wait up to a week to make purchases off base without paying value-added taxes, an unpublicized change that is forcing their customers to choose between higher prices and going without goods and services.