KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany — Nearly 400 products in bulk and at steeply discounted prices will be for sale at commissaries worldwide during the annual fall case lot sale.
More than 245 commissaries are participating; some case lot sales started in August, but stores in Europe hold their events in September and October, the Defense Commissary Agency said.
“Case lot sales offer our customers hundreds upon hundreds of items, some at savings of 50 percent or more, and many in the economical ‘club pack’ format you find in off-base club warehouse stores,” said Charlie Dowlen, DECA’s promotions manager, in a news release.
Items expected to be for sale range from paper goods, diapers and razors to breakfast foods, pastas and dog and cat food, according to DECA. Customers will be able to “mix and match” products of similar size and price, such as canned goods, cereals or cake mixes, in the same case. These items will be set aside in a designated area.
Excluded from the mix will be some higher-priced products, such as asparagus, which costs more than other vegetables and cannot be matched with other items, DECA officials said.
More information is posted on the commissaries' website.
Case lot sale dates at Europe-region commissaries are:Azores:Lajes Field - Oct. 5-6
Belgium:Chievres - Sept. 28-30
Germany:Heidelberg - Sept. 21-23Patch Barracks, Spangdahlem, Vogelweh, Wiesbaden - Sept. 14-16Hohenfels - Sept. 14-15Ansbach, Bamberg, Robinson Barracks, Schweinfurt, Vilseck - Sept. 15-16Grafenwöhr - Sept. 28-30Bitburg - not participatingBaumholder - Sept. 29-30Garmisch, Panzer Kaserne - Oct. 1Kelley Barracks - Oct. 4-5Mannheim, Ramstein Air Base - not participating
Italy:Aviano - Sept. 14-16Vicenza - Sept. 15-16Livorno - Sept. 28-29Naples, Sigonella - Sept. 28-30
Netherlands:Schinnen - Sept. 14-15
Spain:Rota - Oct. 5-6Turkey:Incirlik - Sept. 22-23Ankara - not participatingIzmir - Sept. 29-30
United Kingdom:Lakenheath - Sept. 15-16Menwith Hill - Sept. 14-15Mildenhall - Oct. 12