SEOUL — The State Department issued a travel alert on Wednesday for Americans living in or traveling to South Korea, in anticipation of possibly violent demonstrations associated with next month’s G-20 summit.
The summit will be held in Seoul Nov. 11-12 and will be attended by 32 heads of state and more than 10,000 participants. Protests at other G-20 meetings have become violent, and delays are expected on all forms of transportation Nov. 8-12 due to heightened security.
The alert, which expires Nov. 13, says Americans should avoid host sites, including the Coex Center in Gangnam, unless they are participating in the event. They should also avoid sites with large gatherings or heavy police presence. Seoul’s Olympic Park has been designated as a protest area, but demonstrations from both international and local groups could occur in other areas of the city.
Security will be especially tight at the Coex Center, which will have a two-kilometer radius of security checks and will be closed to the public Nov. 12. Car and pedestrian traffic will be restricted around the complex Nov. 8-12.
U.S. citizens can monitor the U.S. Embassy Seoul’s website for security information. The embassy’s emergency telephone number is 02-397-4114 (domestic) or 82-2-397-4114 (international).