SASEBO NAVAL BASE, Japan — A U.S. sailor will face trail later this month on assault charges for allegedly striking a shipmate with what appeared to be a hatchet, Navy officials said.
Seaman Apprentice Delzhea Chatman, 20, was charged last month with assault, failure to obey an order or regulation and a general article that refers to bringing discredit upon the armed forces in the July 6 incident at Sasebo Naval Base, according to Navy officials. The court-martial will take place Nov. 28 at Yokosuka Naval Base.
The boatswain’s mate airman, off the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard, allegedly attacked and injured a shipmate in the leg in front of the Chili’s restaurant near a widely traversed base gate , then fled, Navy officials said. He was taken into custody shortly afterward and transferred to the brig.
Navy officials have not commented on what led to the altercation. The 28-year-old victim was treated at a civilian hospital nearby.
Chatman joined the Navy in June 2011, Navy officials said. Sasebo Naval Base was his first duty station after boot camp and training command. He has received the National Defense Service Medal.