SEOUL — Commanding officers and officers-in-charge will be able to request waivers and operational holds to fill critical billets related to the ongoing relief efforts in Japan, according to a new U.S. Navy directive.
The directive was issued Wednesday in an effort to clarify a number of issues raised by the Navy’s previous temporary stop-movement order for all personnel scheduled to report to Japan as either their duty station or an intermediate duty station in conjunction with a permanent-change-of-station move, according to a Navy Personnel Command release.
“We want Sailors to know that we’re in constant contact with forces in Japan and that our decisions are based on the best information and assessments available,” Capt. Robert Weitzman, NPC director of distribution management, was quoted as saying in the release. “As the situation changes we’ll keep you updated.”
Officers who want a waiver to the stop movement for critical billets should request one through their chain of command. The Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet is authorized to approve or disapprove waiver requests.
Sailors with orders to commands in Japan who have not yet detached from their current command are directed to remain in place unless their orders direct them to report to intermediate duty stations en route. Those sailors should execute their orders and will stop at their final intermediate station.
Ships and embarked units getting under way that cannot retain detaching sailors should put those servicemembers on temporary additional duty orders to the Beach Detachment or the immediate superior-in-commands until further notice, the release states. Commands who gain these sailors should notify NPC immediately.
Members who have detached from their command but have not left their homeport area should check into their previous duty station, local transient processing unit or ISIC. Members who have already detached from their command and have commenced travel to Japan should report to the nearest naval installation or Navy Operations Support Commands.
Members assigned overseas, other than Japan, and who have orders to Japan should contact NPC for specific guidance.
For questions regarding allowances, members should contact their nearest disbursing office or personnel support detachment.
The stop movement does not affect sailors with outbound orders from Japan, and they should continue to execute their orders.
Sailors who have already shipped household goods and vehicles to Japan should contact the Naval Supply Systems Command HHG help line at 1-800-444-7789 or e-mail at