E-mail travel@estripes.osd.mil at least two weeks before the desired print date. Prices are based on double occupancy. Listings are printed as space allows.
BelgiumSHAPE TRIPS AND TOURS: March 12, Paris, 45 euros; March 19, London, 65 euros; April 2, Cochem Castle, Germany, medieval dinner, 110 euros adults, 85 euros ages 6-17, 60 euros up to age 5; April 8-17, Lloret de Mar, Spain, single 530 euros, double 420 euros, triple 400 euros. Call 065-44-3884, e-mail shapetripsandtours@gmail.com or see www.shape2day.com.
GermanyKAISERSLAUTERN OUTDOOR RECREATION: March 11-13, the Sound of Salzburg, Austria, $179; March 12, 19 and 26 ski express, location TBD, $69; March 12, Amsterdam, $85 adults, $49 up to age 12; March 12, air boarding, $179; March 16 and 30, after-work ski lesson, $99; March 17-20, Saas Fee, Switzerland, $369; March 18-20, Zermatt, Switzerland, $369; March 19, Prague Express, $95 adults, $59 up to age 12; March 20, Feldberg, Germany, $59; March 25-27, Interlaken, Switzerland, $219; March 26, Brussels (Belgium) Express, $69; . Call 0631-3406-4117 or DSN 493-4117.
RTT TRAVEL/RAMSTEIN: March 11-13, Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 189 euros; March 12, Amsterdam and more, 89 euros; March 13, 17, 20, 24, 27 and 30 and April 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 21 and 27, castles on the Rhine, 79 euros; March 19, Easter eggs and more, 69 euros; March 26, Cochem Castle medieval dinner, 79 euros; March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, Dutch tulips, trends and traditions, 99 euros; April 1-3 and 15-17, Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 89 euros; April 6, Brugge, Belgium, 89 euros; April 9 and 14, Cochem family Easter market, 59 euros; April 9, Champagne region of France, 79 euros; April 14, King Ludwig II’s castles in Bavaria, 99 euros; April 17, culinary volksmarch, Oppenheim, 39 euros; April 17, Black Forest, 79 euros. Call 06371-46360 or www.RTTtravel.com.
SCHWEINFURT OUTDOOR RECREATION: March 12-13, ski trip to Garmisch, $129; March 19, Nuremberg’s Palm Beach swimming, $10 transportation plus 13.50 adults, 3.50 children; April 2, Klettersteig climbing trip, $20 for transportation and equipment rental; April 9; hiking trip to the Kreuzberg monastery/brewery, $10; April 16, Stammheim military museum, $10; May 1, vineyard hike in Lindach, $10. Call 354-1400 or 09721-96-1400.
SPANGDAHLEM OUTDOOR RECREATION: March 13, ski/board France, $99; March 16-20, ski/board Austria, $700; March 20 and 27, introduction to geocaching, free; March 23, introduction to scuba, $59; March 26, introduction to mountain biking, $20; March 27-April 3, scuba dive the Red Sea, $1,275 double, $1,475 single, includes transportation, lodging and some meals; diving packages are separate. Call DSN 452-7170 or 06565-61-7170.
SPANGDAHLEM INFORMATION, TICKETS AND TRAVEL: March 12, Paris, 55 euros; March 12, Switzerland, 50 euros; March 19, Black Forest Express, 50 euros adults, 45 euros children ages 6-18, 40 euros children ages 3-5; March 19, Amsterdam, 50 euros; March 25-26, London, 80 euros; March 26, Cochem castle medieval dinner, 60 euros. Call DSN 452-6567 or 06565-61-6567.'
ItalyUSO NAPLES: Tuesdays, Best of Region, 48 euros adults, 43 euros up to age 11; Thursdays, Sorrento, Vietri and the Emerald Grotto, 39 euros adults, 36 euros up to age 11; Fridays, Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius, 48 euros adults, 43 euros up to age 11; Saturdays, wine tasting on Vesuvius, 45 euros adults; Sundays, Sorrento and Pompeii, 48 euros adults, 43 euros up to age 11. Call DSN 626-5713 or 629-4903 or see http://naples.uso.it.
USO ROME: Vatican and St. Peter’s tour, including Vatican museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica, 8:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday, $65 adult, $55 ages 5-17; Rome of the Caesars, includes Colosseum, Forum, Michelangelo’s Capitoline Hill, daily at 2 p.m., $65 adult, $55 ages 2-8; catacombs with St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran and the Holy Stairs, plus Christian catacombs on Appian Way, 2 p.m. daily, $40 adults, $32 ages 2-8; Rome’s main sights, 8 a.m. daily, $36 adult, $28 ages 2-8; Rome after-dark, 75 euros for ages 5 and up. Contact USO Rome at 06-397-27419 or see www.uso.it.
NetherlandsSCHINNEN TRIPS AND TOURS: March 19, Paris, $69; April 15-24, Spain, $449 double, $599 single, $349 up to age 11; April 16, Keukenhof gardens, $59 adults, $55 ages 4-11, $45 ages 3 and younger. Call 046-443-7561 or DSN 360-7444.