101 pounds — His to lose, Eddie Sheridan, Kinnick. In the hunt, Ray Okuno, St. Mary’s.108 — His to lose, tossup, Justin Duenas, Kadena, Daniel Mora, Kubasaki. In the hunt, Jianni Labato, Kinnick.115 — His to lose, Steven Walter, Kubasaki. In the hunt, David Hernandez, Kadena; Kentaro Hayashi, St. Mary’s.122 — His to lose, Ryan Vasconcellos, St. Mary’s. In the hunt, Zach Fanton, Kadena; Jacob Clabough, Yokota; Brady Yoder, Kinnick; Ken Nanri, CAJ.129 — His to lose, tossup, Eric Overton, CAJ, and Cody Milburn, Kadena; In the hunt, Kaimi Miyazawa, St. Mary’s; Sam Bishop, Zama American.135 — His to lose, Kalik Battle, Yokota. In the hunt, Vao Mustafa, Kadena; Marvin Newbins, Kinnick; Sam Johnson, CAJ.141 — His to lose, Alex Rojas, Kadena. In the hunt, Riku Osawa, St. Mary’s; Zach Yoder, Kinnick; Josh Elliot, Zama.148 — His to lose, tossup, Austin Cyr, Kubasaki; Elijah Takushi, Kadena. In the hunt, Keith Grogg, Kinnick; Harold Feliciano, Zama American.158 — His to lose, tossup, Chad Wilder, Zama American, and James Alexander, Kadena. In the hunt, Dustin Wilson, Kinnick; Tomo Moriya, St. Mary’s.168 — His to lose, Jeffrey Koo, St. Mary’s. In the hunt, Alex Banks, Kinnick; Kyle Milburn, Kadena; Tyshon Butler, Kubasaki.180 — His to lose, Aaron Stravers, Kubasaki. In the hunt, Mitchell Harrison, Zama American; Ian O’Brien, Kinnick.215 — His to lose, Fred Suniga, Kubasaki. In the hunt, Joe Durham, Seoul American; Jake Jackson, Yokota; Ian Hansen, Guam High; Ian Pope, Zama American; Kevin Miller, St. Mary’s.Heavyweight — His to lose, Jesse Hogan, Yokota. In the hunt, Nolynn Riley, Kadena; Josiah Allen, Kubasaki.Toughest weight class — 215.Projected Outstanding Wrestler — Battle.