High school
Tennis OkinawaThursday at Camp FosterBoys Kubasaki 6, Kadena 3 Singles Brenden Neu, Kubasaki, def. Nicholas Lay 7-5, 4-6, 6-3; Mark Ebarle, Kubasaki, def. Daniel Wartella 8-4; Stephen Black, Kadena, def. Paul Tubat 8-6; Adam Sami, Kubasaki, def. Daniel Prieto 8-2; Britain Young, Kadena, def. Eric Heck 8-5; Nick Barrett, Kubasaki, def. Brandon Thomas 8-4Doubles Neu-Ebarle def. Lay-Wartella 6-1, 6-2; Tubat-Sami def. Black-Prieto 8-4; Young-Thomas def. Heck-Barrett 8-3Girls Kadena 7, Kubasaki 2 Singles Kristin Howard, Kadena, def. Sydney Johnson 6-1, 6-1; Alex Howard, Kadena, def. Allie Powers 8-1; Abby Traylor, Kadena, def. Sarah Walter 8-1; Leigh Trumble, Kubasaki, def. Rita Feight 8-6; Megan McClain, Kadena, def. Mary Neitzke 8-4; Amber Jacobs, Kadena, def. Julie Mathis 8-3Doubles K. Howard-A. Howard def. Johnson-Powers 6-2, 6-1; Traylor-Feight def. Walter-Trumble 8-6; Neitzke-Mathis def. McClain-Jacobs 8-6
Wednesday at YomitanBoys Kadena 9, Okinawa Christian International 0 Singles Nicholas Lay def. James Durham 6-2, 6-1; Daniel Wartella def. Jimmy Fisher 9-8 (7-4); Stephen Black def. Ryota Arakaki 8-0; Daniel Prieto def. Ken Johnson 8-0; Britain Young by walkover; Brandon Thomas by walkoverDoubles Lay-Wartella def. Durham-Fisher 4-6, 6-4, 6-1; Black-Prieto def. Arakaki-Johnson 8-0; Young-Thomas by walkoverGirls Kadena 9, Okinawa Christian International 0 Singles Kristin Howard def. Catherine Funakoshi 7-5, 6-1; Alex Howard def. Marina Amosin 8-0; Abby Traylor def. Karen Sakihama 8-1; Rita Feight def. May Narita 8-1; Allison Bass def. Yulim Kim 8-0; Megan McClain def. Minami Uchida 8-1Doubles K. Howard-A. Howard def. Funakoshi-Amosin 6-0, 6-1; Traylor-Feight def. Sakihama-Narita 8-2; Bass-McClain def. Kim-Uchida 8-0
South KoreaWednesday at SeoulBoys Yongsan International-Seoul 5, Gyeonggi Suwon International 0 Singles Jun Lee def. Andy Kim 8-2; Thomas Kim def. Ron Kim 9-7; Wonseuk Her def. Samuel Lee 9-7Doubles Sung Ho Kim and Andrew Yoo def. Ralph Lee and Jeff Jin 8-2; Josh Hwang and Michael Lee def. Kevin Lee and Chan Yel Baek 8-0
Girls volleyball OkinawaKadena def. Okinawa Christian International 26-24, 25-12, 25-21 Thursday at YomitanSpike kills — Kadena: Peyton Lettkeman 6, Lisa Siler 5, Mia Savoy 5. Aces — Kadena: Siler 5, Jaeda Flores 5, Lettkeman 5.
Boys volleyball South KoreaInternational Christian-Uijongbu def. Gyeonggi Suwon International 25-23, 25-22, 17-25, 25-14 Wednesday at UijeongbuSpike kills — ICS-U: Chris Sumler 8. Aces — ICS-U: Isaac Cha 5.