High school
Golf JapanMonday at Yokota Air Base (811-yard, par-27) Team scramble format 1, Erica Young, C.J. Canada, Toy Williams, Johnny Marker, 28; 2, Owen Taylor, Jackson Smith, Tyler Williams, Andrew Beene, 30; 3, Millie Rice, Katrina Gomez, Illianna Gomez, 32. Closest to the pin on hole 3, Smith; closest to the pin on hole 6, Taylor.
Tennis JapanNile C. Kinnick intrasquad doubles Tuesday at Yokosuka Naval BaseBoys: Justin Crouch and Bodhi Kuiper def. Sam Rexrode and Joshua Yang 7-5, 6-1.Girls: Donna Manson and Lucy Mock def. Qiana Fowler and Aiisha Lashley 7-5; Sarah Beth Logan and Hannah Yi def. Manson-Mock 6-2.