Stars and Stripes will strive to update scores from the remaining two Far East soccer tournaments throughout the day as quickly as possible.
Friday's matches (schedule complete):
Division I boysAt Camp Foster, OkinawaGuam High 2, Yokota 1Fifth placeGuam High 2, Kadena 1 (Guam wins 2-1 in shootout) Third placeChristian Academy Japan 7, Nile C. Kinnick 4ChampionshipSeoul American 1, Kubasaki 0 (2 OT)
Division I girlsAt Kadena Air Base, and Camp Foster, OkinawaSeventh placeGuam High 5, Christian Academy Japan 0Fifth placeKadena 1, Yokota 0Third placeSeoul American 3, Nile C. Kinnick 0ChampionshipAmerican School in Japan 1, Kubasaki 0