Dates and sites — Monday at Camp Fuji, Tuesday at Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan.Participating schools — Division I, Kadena Panthers, Kubasaki Dragons, Yokota Panthers, Nile C. Kinnick Red Devils, Seoul American Falcons, Guam High Panthers, St. Mary’s International (boys only), Seisen International Phoenix (girls only), Christian Academy Japan Knights, Father Duenas Memorial Friars (boys only), Academy of Our Lady of Guam Cougars (girls only). Division II, E.J. King Cobras, Matthew C. Perry Samurai, St. Maur International Cougars, Robert D. Edgren Eagles, Osan American Cougars, Humphreys Blackhawks, Okinawa Christian International Crusaders.Format — 3.1-mile individual race on Monday, road, gravel and wooded trail just south of Camp Fuji proper. Top four Division I school finishers score points for their teams; top three Division II school finishers score points for their teams. Ties to be broken in favor of team with fifth-place Division I and fourth-place Division II runner who finish with best time. Top 10 overall finishers by division selected to All-Far East team. Races will be segregated by large and small schools, with individual and team champions crowned in each. Team relay on Tuesday on Atsugi’s Whispering Pines golf course. Teams run in pairs, with one boy and one girl running two 2.5-kilometer legs each, total of 10 kilometers or 6.2 miles per pair. Ties to be broken in favor of team with fifth Division I pair and fourth Division II pair that finish with best time. Overall scoring determined by combined placement in boys and girls 3.1-mile individual races and team relay. Ties broken in favor of school that places highest in team relay.Schedule of events — Opening ceremony 10 a.m. Monday at Camp Fuji. Girls 3.1-mile race starts at 10:30 a.m., boys race at 11:15 p.m. Monday. Team relay starts at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday. Awards ceremony right after relay race on Whispering Pines.Defending team champions — Division I: Kadena boys, Kadena girls, Kadena overall. Division II: OCSI boys, Zama girls, St. Maur overall.Returning All-Far East runners — Division I boys: Andrew Kilkenny, Kadena; Yuji Callahan, Kadena; Aaron Russ, Kinnick; Bryan Riley, Yokota. Division II boys, Jarrell Hibler, Zama; Christian Morris, OCSI; Kento Nambara, OCSI; Daichi Bellwood, E.J. King; Greg Graham, M.C. Perry. Division I girls: Ana Hernandez, Kadena; Samantha Arnold, Yokota; Carydaliz Fontanez, Kinnick; Jessica Freedman, Kubasaki. Division II girls: Lucille Nunnely, St. Maur; Lisa Steiner, Zama.Awards — Divisions I and II boys, girls, team relay and overall school championships, 10 All-Far East D-I and D-II boys and girls runners.